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Writers Wanted

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November 14th, 2011

[Nov. 14th, 2011|02:33 am]



Current Fandoms: Alphas, Angel/BtVS, Boardwalk Empire, Charmed, Crime and Punishment, DC and Marvel Comic characters, Doctor Who, Dragonlance, Final Fantasy VI (III), Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy X/X-2, Harry Potter, Hercules/Xena, Heroes, I am Number Four, Inception, Merlin (BBC), Misfits, Never Cry Werewolf, Nightmare on Elm Street, Sleeping Beauty, Smallville, Supernatural.

Wanted Fandoms: Sailor Moon (so not kidding), More Square Enix players, Anyone or everyone not taken. For real. Obscure is welcomed. Encouraged even. Come play~!
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[Nov. 14th, 2011|06:56 pm]


Confundo (via [info]confundomod) is a new Marauders Era game set in MWPP's 7th year.  The game's quirk is that Dumbledore has instituted an group journal ([info]confundoanon), where students can post whatever they'd like, anonymously.  It's created quite the fun and drama so far!

We're looking for more people to join in the fun, and some specific roles as well:

  • Mundungus Fletcher!  This is the #1 character I want in the game right now, no lie.  The game allows OC's with canon connections, and I have one in Mundungus' younger sister, Moira ([info]hocusfocus).  I haven't given much information about the siblings' relationship in Moira's history, though I imagine they're rather different, given that Moira is studious and artistic and Mundungus is, well, Hogwarts' resident criminal mastermind/petty thief/gillyweed dealer.  Or whatever he is, at age seventeen, that's up to you!  Either way, I think he would be an amazing character to have around.  Moira misses her big brother.  Anyone apping him would have my eternal love and gratitude. ♥

  • Other OC Siblings!  Apollo Selwyn (brother of Cassandra, via [info]noprophet), Marlowe McKinnon (brother of Marlene, via [info]warmly), Constance Moran (sister of Melissa, via [info]melissamoran), and Galvin Gudgeon (brother of Gladys, via [info]ggudgeon)!  In most of these cases, only the character's name, age, and house has been specified.  You'd have built-in plot with instant family, and free range to create a character however you'd like to do so!

  • In general, we really need Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaws, 6th year students, and quidditch players!

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[Nov. 14th, 2011|10:12 pm]
Longshot, but I'm going for it.

I would love, love, love to have a good Fleur Delacour to pair against my Bill Weasley in a dark, AU setting. In a world where Voldie (or at least his minions) win, Bill is raised to be a Death Eater by the new regime. Evil!Bill (but still with the same personality. Just...warped morals) falls for Fleur, who came in from France to join the Order. She doesn't know he's a DE until after they are involved, and drama ensues. This was conceived to involve a pregnancy, but I'm not married to that part of the idea.
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