Find writing partners for your psls or communites. - November 12th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Writers Wanted

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November 12th, 2011

[Nov. 12th, 2011|02:58 pm]
Does anyone out there still play Veronica Mars? I'm currently re-watching the seasons and my Logan muse has resurfaced. I'd also be interested in playing him against an older woman, or make the line slash and play him against another boy in school, possibly an outsider? I might also consider doing a crossover with shows like vampire diaries, gossip girl, ect. I'm open for almost anything!
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Looking for Snarry PSL [Nov. 12th, 2011|03:33 pm]


I am an over-30 hobby writer looking for someone to write with. I am looking to write Snape and only Snape and looking to write a post-DH, EWE angsty-but-eventual-happiness Snarry story. I do not do well with only smut, but I would like to find someone comfortable in writing all the smexy goodness when the storyline reaches that point.

I do not write over IMs. I can and will use IJ, LJ, email, and the like.

I am a very busy person IRL so I do not expect to write with someone who is available 24/7 or who gets annoyed if I'm not available 24/7. However, I find that college-students and younger eventually get too busy with school activities and/or grow bored or what-have-you and flake out. Likewise, if you know you are about to move, get married, take a new job, have a baby or otherwise experience major upheaval in your life in the immediate future, please do not offer to write with me. :) I am a long-term writer - I like plenty of plot and slow character development, which can take months of real-time depending on our mutual availability.

I am looking for a decent writer who can and will be able to respond at least several times per week; someone who will be descriptive and truly loves to delve into the depths of Harry's character. I don't like to write with folks who have chronic, serious grammatical issues (homophone confusion, unable to use paragraphs/punctuation/etc., properly and so forth). Occasional typos are no big deal.

Experience tells me that I do not prefer to write with someone whose primary or only internet source is a hand-held device - blackberry or the like. These folks tend to reply with short responses that are generally less well-put-together simply due to the nature of the difficulty of typing on the device. Occasional use as necessary of course.

My apologies if this comes off as haughty or rude. Life is busy but I really love my creative outlet. I'm truly desperate to find one good, strong partner to write with. I find it's better to be picky to start out with - saves us both a lot of time. :)

If you are looking for a Snape to your Harry, please message me, reply here, or email me at shanti.writes (at) gmail (dot) com.

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