Find writing partners for your psls or communites. - October 16th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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October 16th, 2011

[Oct. 16th, 2011|03:20 pm]


Does anyone play a sub Justin Bieber (or a Justin Bieber PB) for a slash line?
I have a few ideas for both celeb and AU based lines. I like hard lines with drug abuse, physical and emotional abuse, non-con, heavy kinks, etc.

Also, I'd really like a femmy, heavy make-up wearing sub for a 'when worlds collide' sort of AU between a Brooklyn gangster (my character) and the gothy-emo kid. I'm open to nearly any actor/musician/model so long as he's beautiful.

Comment here and I'll PM my contact info.
Playing through AIM, email, or
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[Oct. 16th, 2011|06:26 pm]
Hello, everyone. I'm looking to do some literate, smutty Avatar the Last Airbender RPs through E-mail, AIM or YIM only. (Specifically, I'm looking for someone willing to RP as Princess Azula, Mai, Ty Lee or Suki.) I'm good with one-shots, short and long-term RPs. In the interest of full disclosure, I would love to RP as an OC opposite one of these females.

If Avatar doesn't interest, I would also like to RP opposite one of the following characters:
Harry Potter: Ginny Weasley, Pansy Parkinson, Astoria Greengrass
Random characters: Lois Lane (Superman the Animated Series), Chloe Sullivan (Smallville), Miko Miyazaki (The Order of the Stick), Princess Zelda (The Legend of Zelda), Blackfire or Kitten (Teen Titans animated series)

My various RP likes, dislikes and dealbreakers--along with two writing samples so you know what I bring to the table--can be read here. Likewise, some generic plots (which we can talk about) can be read here

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[Oct. 16th, 2011|11:11 pm]
Anyone for Miss Waldorf here?
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