Find writing partners for your psls or communites. - October 11th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Writers Wanted

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October 11th, 2011

[Oct. 11th, 2011|12:25 am]


[info]r_evolutions is a high school and town game revolving around the lives of powered and nonpowered individuals. This boy, his father, and his older brother, are in need of their mother/wife to complete the completely awesome Fox family. Lily Fox has the potential for quite a lot of lines, and is really key to have. I can promise her family is active and a bit of a handful in that 'you want to kill them but you love them' way so there's plenty of fun in store for whoever might like to pick her up!

We also have more wanted types around. And it would generally be fantastic to have more teachers, preferably 30+, and townspeople!
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cross-posted a few places! ♥ [Oct. 11th, 2011|12:53 am]


i'd really love to write out a line (het, though i could be swayed to do this femme) between two co-workers. the female is in a long-term relationship, and is very outgoing, easily approachable. the male is more standoffish and quiet, but finds himself inexplicably drawn to the female. he tentatively approaches her and starts up a conversation, and they'd go from there.

i would love to start this line from the very beginning as a psl, and if it works out, maybe even take it to a community. pb faces don't matter much to me, though i'd love something a little unconventional. i am up for either aim scening, or threading this line. i would prefer to play the female; however, for the right face/writer, i can be swayed to play the male.
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Crossing Towns [Oct. 11th, 2011|10:58 am]


We opened this past Saturday night and are having tons of fun! Come join [info]modly_shapes for our first ALL BOARD event this weekend! Adults, teenagers, and those in between are welcomed and encouraged to add variety to the town! Premades available as well as the ability to create your own! Join us for some great times! Looking for players interested in long-term plotting.

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