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Writers Wanted

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September 25th, 2011

[Sep. 25th, 2011|07:12 am]
Someone slashy for my Jared Leto, please. For the love of glittery unicorns can I fucking get someone who likes to actually write/scene, is mature and around more than once or twice a month? The line(s) are celebrity and for a community. Shoot me an AIM where I can discuss details with you as both games require it so I need someone who isn't AIM shy. Thanks.

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[Sep. 25th, 2011|12:44 pm]
I have so many slash lines right now and would love to have some HET ones.

I can offer up a Danneel Harris, Vice Suicide, Selena Gomez, Rhian Harrington and Nina Dobrev.

Storyline ideas/wants I have for any of those girls can be found here.

But I'm not picky and if there is anything you'd want, I'd probably be willing to play it out. :)
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[Sep. 25th, 2011|08:24 pm]
I'd like a friend (and potentially romantic, if desired) line for this character (Benjy Fenwick from Harry Potter) over at [info]f_rogers. I'm very for letting things unfold as they may and develop organically, so it would be more of a matter of compatible personalities than anything else. It could be someone from any fandom, so long as the personality works. Benjy's profile is here. I'll talk detail with anyone who would be interested.
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[Sep. 25th, 2011|08:45 pm]


Hey guys! I'm Lorena and I play Brady Nott over at [info]stolenmods, a next-gen game set after Hogwarts. We are in desperate need of males. Brady would love to see his friend Paul Rosier! Each character comes with a little bit of background plot so you're all set to go. Everyone is very friendly and welcoming. We'd love to have you with us! Click here if you'd like to see available characters. Join us! :)
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