Find writing partners for your psls or communites. - September 13th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Writers Wanted

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September 13th, 2011

[Sep. 13th, 2011|06:11 am]
Searching for a home for my Vanessa Pb, or group psl.
Her name is Kathryn, she is a young woman who's father wants her under protection from people trying to kill her. Her fathers line of business is very illegal and dangerous, thus, the life of a crime lord. It has gotten a bit out of control, and now someone is threatening to take the life of his baby girl.

Possibly a Garrett Hedlund or Alex Pettyfer as a love interest/bodyguard.
Javier Bardem, George Clooney, or Clive Owen as her father.

An older brother, a best friend, (can be either or both, guy or girl; When she was younger, she always got bullied because of her fathers secrecy in his business. She was taken out of school and home schooled, never quite trusting anyone, so she's never really had any friends).
An enemy line would be nice, and fans who love; and despise her family.
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[Sep. 13th, 2011|01:14 pm]
I'm looking for a writing partner for my Zac Efron muse. I'm into any kind of pairing for him whether it be canon or non. I generally play him straight and a pretty happy go-lucky guy. I also play a number of cast members from Big Time Rush and Victorious. I'm interested in a low-key fun line. It can PB/celeb/AU. I'm flexible with plot lines, and am open to just about anything (drama, super natural twists, the works. hit me!). So long as it stays balanced with plot/fluff I'm good (ie: I dont' want to just write sex scenes. I like character development too). Comment this post with your contact information if you're interested and I'm more than willing to answer any questions you might have about me/my characters. :)

On a sort of related note, would anyone possibly be interested in a PSL group revolving around a coffee shop?
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