Find writing partners for your psls or communites. - September 6th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Writers Wanted

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September 6th, 2011

[Sep. 6th, 2011|01:07 am]

America has fallen and has been split into zones,Human retreat to europe mutants serve apocplyse and other mustant fight with the humans for there planet. The-Xmen led by Magneto honoring his best freinds dream of mutant human peacful relations. The humans fight for survial High human counsel serves as there only form of goverment. Hope is faint but not gone...Its an age of darkness and age of war an age of Apocalypse. We are a sister game to [info]themarvelverse and are welcoming anyone willing to have fun.
[info]ageofapocalypse | [info]endwar | [info]lasthopeooc

Premise | Rules | Taken | Holds | Apply
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[Sep. 6th, 2011|07:32 pm]
hey guys. currently seeking out any of the historical/tudors sls in this journal to get filled. i'm open to practically anything else listed in it, too. flakes need not apply!
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[ viewing | September 6th, 2011 ]
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