Find writing partners for your psls or communites. - July 28th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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July 28th, 2011

[Jul. 28th, 2011|11:47 am]
I play Castiel a lot. Does anyone want to play him instead against my Dean?

Or a Cockles line, if anyone is interested in that?
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[Jul. 28th, 2011|05:48 pm]


I'd love to fill any of the following for a PSL (or two, or three). I'm not set on any one specific storyline, and love to brainstorm! The character I'd like to play is in italics:

Sookie/Bill (True Blood)
Sookie/Eric (True Blood)
Sophie-Anne/pretty much anyone (True Blood)
Jessica/Hoyt (True Blood)
Elena/Damon and/or Stefan (The Vampire Diaries, either books or television show)
Katherine/Damon and/or Stefan (The Vampire Diaries, television show)
Olivia/Peter (Fringe)
Fauxlivia/Lincoln (Fringe)
Phoebe/Cole (Charmed)
Abby/Henry (Harper's Island, note: I'd really love to do some sort of dark AU ending on this one)

And with The Secret Circle coming out on the WB in September, I'm hoping this has gotten some people to pick up LJ Smith's series from the 90s. I'd love some sort of line from that too!
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