Find writing partners for your psls or communites. - July 17th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Writers Wanted

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July 17th, 2011

[Jul. 17th, 2011|02:04 pm]


Seeking Harry Potter lines:


Threading preferred, open to just about anything
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Looking for Petunia & Vernon Dursley! [Jul. 17th, 2011|02:29 pm]
Hey guys! I'm playing Lily Potter over at Crescendo, an AU MWPP-era game. I would love to see a Petunia and/or Vernon over there to get thrown into the war. Lily hasn't talked to her sister in years and is looking to repair their relationship! I know there's someone out there who would love to get Petunia involved in the Wizarding world--I mean, come on, she could be totally BAMF. So please come check the game out at [info]crescendomods if you're interested! I would be your best friend forever? :D

There are lots of other characters available as well, we really need Death Eaters, and Alice Longbottom still needs her Frank! The game just started and is already very active, so COME ON already!
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[Jul. 17th, 2011|05:44 pm]
Is there anyone that enjoys writing the Harry Potter verse roleplay, but hates being tied down by canon details? I'm here to propose an idea. Would anyone like to play Harry Potter against my Draco Malfoy in a universe where we create the canon? We'd stick to the main plot of the books, but I'd love to do some in depth brainstorming so we can create and put our own twists on Harry and Draco. We can follow the books to a certain extent, but I'm sure we all have things we'd like to change.

If that doesn't make sense, then please feel free to ask any questions you might have.

Slash only, threading only, and I'd love to have a long term partner. I just want to brainstorm something epic.
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[Jul. 17th, 2011|08:35 pm]
So after having seen Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 quite a few times, I'm back into roleplaying HP after years of not having played it!

That said, I'm looking for a Ron and Hermione PSL! It would be filling in the blanks of right after DH ended until the epilogue! Could do them discussing the kiss, becoming official, being together, their life together after, there are tons of possibilities!

I would play either Ron or Hermione (I have years of experience with both characters and have been roleplaying in general for 8 years) and it would be primarily over AIM with conversations and logs/threads through instant messaging (though using journals is an option)!

I'm looking for committed and experienced roleplayers! If you think you fit the description, give me a shout!

Please reply here if interested. Comments will be screened for privacy!
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