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Writers Wanted

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July 12th, 2011

Longbottom, Pettigrew, Lestrange, etc. Needed [Jul. 12th, 2011|01:50 am]
Crescendo (via [info]crescendomods is a new kick-ass RPG that is opening this Saturday (we've already got activity going in our backstory community) and we're still in need of quite a few characters. All of our available characters can be found here and more on our wanted characters can be found here. We take place in 1981 and we're exploring what will happen if *gasp* the Potters don't die and Voldemort isn't defeated on Halloween!

We would love to have the following characters and storylines A.S.A.P.!

-Frank Longbottom: Look, the Longbottom's are the biggest B.A.M.F.'s out there, they need to be complete. Plus, Neville is going through his terrible ones and Alice refuses to deal with this alone. Also, they're a bad-ass, Death Eater hunting duo, he needs to get on this, stat!
-Peter Pettigrew: The rest of the Marauders need you! What if you aren't there to be the secret keeper? What if you are and they pick Sirius anyway? We can't make these decisions without you.
-Voldemort: Do we really need to explain this one?
-Sybill Trelawney: You made the prophecy that started all the bullshit for the Potters and the Longbottoms. We have some plot ideas for you. Voldemort hunting you down, maybe? I don't know, you have to apply to find out.
-Any Death Eater: We need someone who is willing to play the Death Eater that raped Marlene McKinnon. We don't care who it is, we just want someone who is willing to take on that role and get their arse handed to them by Snape (maybe) or even the Dark Lord.
-We also need: Rabastan and Rodolphus Lestrange, Lucius Malfoy, Aurors, Death Eaters, Journalists, Ministry employees, Alastor Moody, Order Members, and MANY OTHERS!

If you have any questions, please feel free to drop us a line!
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[Jul. 12th, 2011|11:31 am]


I would give my left arm for a Flynn/Rapunzel line, set in Tangled-verse or even a modern day sort of thing. I'd even be willing to play either character, though Rapunzel has been nagging at me for a while. Please comment here or on my journal, where I also have a zillion other pairings/fandoms/lines available :)
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[Jul. 12th, 2011|11:18 pm]
I'm in a small PSL with 2 other writers wanting to flesh out an AU Season 1 of Gossip Girl. We have Nate, Dan, and Blair, as well as the minor characters as needed/wanted. Anyone from Season 1 would be welcomed with open arms, but we'd most like to see Chuck, Serena, Jenny, Vanessa, and any of the parents. Feel free to PM this journal or leave a comment if you're interested!
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