Find writing partners for your psls or communites. - July 4th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Writers Wanted

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July 4th, 2011

[Jul. 4th, 2011|12:14 am]
My unemployment is making me crazy. I'm a long term and regular rpg player. I love original character post- apocalyptic games, and I wouldn't mind a university or workplace based game, in a hospital or school perhaps, plotted for grown ups. Happy with het and slash and psls and I'm not finding anything that grabs me at the moment

Faith Lehane BtVS against other Buffy characters or preferably against Dean Winchester (in fact I'd love to find/ be part of building a wider rp that supports this) I love Faith/Dean and have kind of a dreamscape idea for them.
Toshiko Sato- Torchwood, because I love me some geek chic
Penelope Garcia- Criminal Minds, some Garcia/Kevin or a Garcia/Mogan friendship line, with me as Lady Penelope (same applies for a criminal minds RP)
George Sands/John Mitchell/Annie Sawyer/Nina Pickering- Being Human UK (same applies for a Being Human RP) I appear to have an Annie now and I'm better at George than Mitchell, so still after Nina and Mitchell. I have the idea that I want to run out with up to four other people, maybe more, involves going to hell to get Mitchell back
Life on Mars/Ashes to Ashes with myself as DCI Gene Hunt, what happened after the team left him behind
Medium- Young! Joe against my Young!Alison, a meeting and discovering she's a lady who sees dead people
Glee- Just anything really
Dark Angel- An Alec to run against my OC Lex

Development into full rps would be AMAZING for them all, and I am always open to playing with small groups as well as individuals.
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oh hello doctor! [Jul. 4th, 2011|10:40 am]
the Doctor is looking for a sassy Mrs Robinson. (River Song).
Comment here or Private msg for first contact and we'll go from there.

Or feel free to msg me on AIM: odrgeronimo

Would also consider other lines.


[crossed over for a quick find]
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[Jul. 4th, 2011|11:41 pm]



Wash: The legs! Yeah, I definitely have to say it was her legs! You can put that down!
Her legs and right where her legs meet her back. That, actually... that whole area.
That and above it...

Zoe would possibly consider give up her life of crime to have a Wash over at [info]f_rogers! ♥ (Also Inara and Shepherd Book to complete the crew, but especially Wash.)
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