Find writing partners for your psls or communites. - June 20th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Writers Wanted

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June 20th, 2011

[Jun. 20th, 2011|09:39 am]
[mood | curious]

Looking for various lines (male and female chars, player gender is not an issue)to be filled for several characters all currently residing in a San Fran SL ). PBs and lines/histories/etc. are negoitable.

Colin Farrel pb to play bad-boy step brother with a soft spot for his younger step sister.
Tommy Lee Jones pb to play a trainwreck but well meaning dad.
Any male pb to play possible love interest to Christina Ricci pb.
Reese Witherspoon pb to play bitchy middle sister, bitchiness optional.
Owen Wilson pb to play overprotective big bro.
Drew Barrymore pb to play a bestie/former lesbian lover.
Barry Manilow pb (yes, I have a sense of humor) to play a down and out dad looking to kids for money.
Any older male pb to play possible love interest to Cameron Diaz pb.
Javier Bardem pb to play music producer dad.
Kimora Lee Simmons pb to play former model/cheating wife/mom.

My current pbs are Cameron Diaz, Christina Ricci, Rose McGowan and Vanessa Hudgens, if none of the lines strike you but the pbs do, I am always open to new lines.
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