Find writing partners for your psls or communites. - June 4th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Writers Wanted

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June 4th, 2011

[Jun. 4th, 2011|05:09 am]
A Rupert Grint and Freya Mavor (PBs are flexible, I’m just throwing out ideas) for a PSL perhaps? Slash is implied. I vaguely have a line in mind about three teenagers who play truth or dare games that starts innocently enough eventually get out of hand when one of them dares the other to commit the perfect murder.
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[Jun. 4th, 2011|09:59 am]


Anybody plays a good Jax Teller from Sons of Anarchy? Might be canon or against an original character. Possible violence, angst and undercover activities involved. Contact me if you want to know more.

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Resumption RPG (HP RPG) [Jun. 4th, 2011|03:35 pm]
RESUMPTION: a life interrupted to begin again
A Harry Potter RPG

Post the Second Wizarding War, many are content to go forward with their lives. Some aren’t however. Augustus Rookwood is one of those not happy in this world and the former death eater begins to make plans to make his own world, his ideal world.

Taping into dark and forbidden magic that will bend both dimension and time, Rookwood begins collecting the citizens for this new world. Wizard and witches of his choosing who are not merely from the era he comes from, but others-both ancient and into distant future. Whether these wizard and witches want to live in this world isn’t his concern.

There are so many questions though. Where is this place? What day is it? What country are they in? Why are there others that they don’t know or recognize but who know intimate details about their lives? This world is full of mysteries about the village and... experiments keep appearing out of nowhere.

You are at the mercy of the council.

- - - - -

Wanted Characters: Croaker, Salazar Slytherin, Albus Dumbledore, Aberforth Dumbledore, Rabastan Lestrange, Catriona McCormack, Kirley Duke, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood, The Weasleys, The Malfoys, The Blacks, NextGen, ect.

Opened May 26, 2011
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Kuroshitsuji anyone? [Jun. 4th, 2011|06:04 pm]
Would anyone be up to play some Kuroshitsuji inspired RP with original characters? (we could also do Ciel and Sebastian though)

It would be a private storyline we could do over AIM, Mail or G-docs and you can choose if you want to play the master or the Butler though I would love to try and play the master.

And if you would want to try the butler. It would be great if he could be sadistic ^^;

AIM: keigobocchan
or just comment here ^^
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