Find writing partners for your psls or communites. - May 8th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Writers Wanted

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May 8th, 2011

[May. 8th, 2011|10:51 am]

[info]bostonmafia_mod via [info]boston_mafia

A mob game based in Boston, MA.

Adds are done, normally, as they come in. We just reopened yesterday and would love some new players and characters. We're looking for some more mob based plots to steer us back in to the mob direction.

Game Info
For Players
{ Rules }
{ Mod }
{ Premise }
{ Drop Box }
{ Character List }
{ Wanted Story lines }
{ Holds & Taken PBs }
{ Apply }
{ Contacts/Friend Adder }
{ Player Directory }
{ NPC list }
{ Directory of Boston }
{ IC Community }
{ Thread/Log Community }
{ Boston Mafia }
{ Leaving? }

The Irish )

The Italians )

The Russians )
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[ viewing | May 8th, 2011 ]
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