Find writing partners for your psls or communites. - May 6th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Writers Wanted

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May 6th, 2011

[May. 6th, 2011|09:01 am]


Anyone up for a Doctor Who-verse PSL? I would really, really love to sit down, brainstorm on different worlds/times/scenarios and then write them out. My favorite scenarios are futuristic ones and ones on other planets, but I'm also happy to jump into historic points in time too!

I'm partial to playing Rose Tyler and/or Amy Pond (and am open to hopping around between different points in the series to play multiple characters and sets of the Doctor and whichever companion he has at the time). I'm also open to doing something regarding making up a future version of the Doctor and a companion.

Ideally, I'd like someone who'd be excited to play the Doctor (in whatever versions you're interested in) and who's also on board with playing multiple supporting characters as NPCs and/or Torchwood characters for each world/time/scenario we come up with (and I would do the same).

Currently, I'm making my way through Season 5 quite speedily and should be completely up to date in about a week or so.

I'm pretty flexible and open to any ideas you have! Feel free to leave a comment and/or PM me if you're interested!
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