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April 1st, 2011

Give The Field: Abandoned Oasis a Chance! [Apr. 1st, 2011|11:16 am]

I'm K, the moderator at [info]thefield. After a year and a half, I am reopening The Field with a few changes and improvements. I would like to invite the old players to return, if they are still interested, with new characters.

I would also love to meet new writers! If you think you have a person in your head who could bear up under the pressure of waking up in the middle of an alien wilderness with nothing but their p.j's and their blanket, please send them my way!

Please take a look at the mod journal: [info]thefieldmod

If you have any additional questions, don't hesitate to ping me on AIM at The (V)orb or e-mail me at thefieldrp AT gmail DOT com.

The game will begin with the very first app...
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[Apr. 1st, 2011|01:58 pm]
I would love a threading, slash line revolving around the movie 'Red Riding Hood'.

It would be a slash line with between Peter and Henry. I'd really love to use the people who played Peter and Henry in the movie as faces, and I'd prefer to play Peter but I'm okay with playing Henry as well. It would be a well balanced mix between plot and smut, and I have a few starter ideas but I want to brainstorm with someone that won't flake as well.

Here are my seedling ideas.

1) We can use the idea that Peter is in love with Valerie, but Valerie is set to marry Henry. Somethings can happen and Peter and Henry fall for each other.

2) We can say that Valerie never existed and Peter and Henry start a relationship that way.

3) We can start a line after Peter gets bit by the werewolf and he and Henry try to cope with it together.

With all of these ideas, I'd like Peter to be the wolf and we'd have to figure out the details, but hopefully someone is interested.
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