Find writing partners for your psls or communites. - March 28th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Writers Wanted

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March 28th, 2011

[Mar. 28th, 2011|12:00 am]
Does anyone out there play Misha Collins, who would want to do a slashy line against my Jared Padalecki? I'm not looking for a romantic line really (though I have no problem turning it into one), but something a little more smutty and fun. We could say Misha is still semi-new to the cast and Jared kind of takes advantage of it. I like the idea of Jared being the one to call the shots, and Misha just being forced to go along with it. (not reallly against his will of cores!)

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[Mar. 28th, 2011|09:12 pm]
Anyone out there PB Julia Stiles?
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