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March 26th, 2011

[Mar. 26th, 2011|01:02 am]
Hey. I'm looking for a bunch of twilight roleplayers to play over at electric twist. it's focused mainly on the forks and la push kids, we're not allowing vampires at this time but we're looking for long term people into character developemtn and generally awesome threads. You can see who is available here.
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[Mar. 26th, 2011|02:32 pm]


This woman here is looking for her sister and brother-in-law to join her in game. I'd really like them to have some kids that can interact with Emma's kids, as well. But we can cross that bridge when we come to it.

Emma is 43, and younger than her sister, but it doesn't matter to me by how much. She can be 9 months younger for all I care. I do want them to be close though. Emma looks up to her sister a lot, regardless of her beliefs on the project or raising children (which are obviously up to you to decide). Emma is conservative when it comes to raising her own children, but is extremely for the project and everything it's trying to do. She also shows extreme favoritism towards her son over her daughters (albeit without realizing it, but still). Emma is extremely flawed and it would be lovely to have a sister to point them out for her and butt heads.

Emma's husband Jacob would also love Emma's brother-in-law around so he isn't always surrounded by women (save Alfie who doesn't really like his father all too much). I thought it'd be cool if her brother-in-law was a bit more laid back than anyone in the Tibbits family, etc.

If either of these characters are picked up, they are guaranteed instant plot with Emma, her husband and their two children that are in play (the third is NPC'd for now). As I said, I'd love for them to have children, too, which are also obviously up for application. Two boys was what I was thinking, but that's completely up to whoever wants them. =]

Comment here or PM the journal!
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[Mar. 26th, 2011|03:11 pm]
River Tam would like to see her brother over at the panfandom comm [info]makebelievecomm via [info]f_rogers. She would also like to see Kaylee Fry there (for Simon's sake!) as she doesn't want Simon pulled away from Kaylee. River is doing okay right now, but she needs her brother there to act as her doctor and (more importantly!) for pure emotion's sake. Mal Reynolds, Zoƫ Washburne, "Wash" Washburne, Inara Serra, and Shepherd Book would also be quite welcome.
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