Find writing partners for your psls or communites. - March 19th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Writers Wanted

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March 19th, 2011

Female Player in CST, Cross Posted [Mar. 19th, 2011|02:40 pm]


I'm a 31 year old veteran role player who lives near Chicago, CST. I am on most evenings and good chunks of the weekend depending on my schedule. I am a polite and consistent role player who loves getting into plotting and character development with like-minded geeks. There's a bit in the journal about me and some examples of my writing. Feel free to look if you're interested. I'm currently looking for the following.

I would like to find someone to play with my:

Remus Lupin (Sirius Black)
Sirius Black (Regulus Black or James Potter)
Tonks (Any Female)
Luna (Any Female)
Charlie Weasley (Bill Weasley)
Percy Weasley (Oliver Wood)

Ianto Jones (Cpt. Jack or a Doctor 10 or 11)
Cpt. Jack (Doctor, 10 or 11)

I currently have the following characters involved in story lines and I don't like to repeat:

Severus Snape (Harry Potter)
Peeta Mellark (Hunger Games)
Sherlock Holmes (BBC Sherlock)

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