Find writing partners for your psls or communites. - March 8th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Writers Wanted

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March 8th, 2011

x-posted [Mar. 8th, 2011|10:57 pm]


So I'm in this pan fandom game over at [info]risa_bay and I'm lonely! Pretty much everyone from Buffy and Angel is available but I would love you forever for an Angel, Wesley, or Lindsey! I can promise lines not just with Cordy but with Faith, and characters from zombie land, charmed and harry potter! Adds will be done tomorrow night and then Saturday again. Also open for some PSLs with my Angel characters, slash, femme and het. I like dark lines in the comm and in PSLs so really flexible! Come on, give a girl a chance!
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