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Writers Wanted

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February 20th, 2011

[Feb. 20th, 2011|02:08 pm]
We're looking for a whole slew of lines and character types over at Moonlight Nocturne, from ex-boyfriends and girlfriends to BFFs. We're also seriously in need of an Artemis and Sailor Pluto, so check it!

More info! )
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[Feb. 20th, 2011|07:39 pm]
Hello! My name is Christopher, and I'm looking for players that are willing to help me fill out the family of my character Tyrell "Ty" Chambers ([info]brainchambers) over at [info]mitochondrion. He needs a wife (age 35-47), son (16-18), son (14-16), and a daughter (16-18). All PBs are up for negotiation but I was hoping for Gina Torres as his wife, and the children should resemble their parents, obviously. I have some ideas about personalities but I'm open minded about any thoughts you might have.

Feel free to contact me directly on AIM at crazycaliboy286 if you have any interest in any of these characters!
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[Feb. 20th, 2011|09:01 pm]


Six Degrees needs GUYS!

Six Degrees is a post-war game set in 2006, and our goal is to explore the connections between different characters, especially the not so obvious ones.  We have an amazingly active cast of characters, with many varied character concepts: healers, quidditch players (and a detailed quidditch schedule), aurors, hitwizards, Hogwarts professors, Daily Prophet employees, cursebreakers, even black market dealers and a pirate!  (Yes, really, a pirate!)

There is exciting game-wide plot: yesterday was the Quidditch All-Stars Game, and next week there is an All-Stars Date Auction for charity!  We do allow original characters, so long as they are tied to canon characters in some way.  Quite a few of our cast have siblings that are wanted in-game right now!  Especially Euan Abercrombie, Patrick Spinnet, Georgina Hopkins, Marina Rosier, and Emma Montgomery!  (Details on these characters and others are on our wanted post.)

Come check out [info]sixdegreesmod!  ♥
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[Feb. 20th, 2011|11:35 pm]


PSL with Garrett Hedlund, Robert Pattinson or Alex Pettyfer PB? I have a line in mind that fell through with two other players. I would love for it to live and continue living. PM me for storyline details. It would be over thread because my schedule will be pretty busy and lingering around on AIM won't happen as much as I'd like.

I can talk details over AIM as well. PM me an SN you can be reached at and I'll send over the details.

Here is another line I'd love to have filled!
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[Feb. 20th, 2011|11:48 pm]


Would anyone be up for a Buffy/Angel line? I'd like to play Fred.
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