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February 5th, 2011

Bone Orchard - Fable III group PSL [Feb. 5th, 2011|02:25 pm]
[mood | awake]


We are a small group who having finished Fable III and its predecessors afterwards, felt that the story was left open-ended. Given Lionhead Studio's tendency to riddle the Fable canon with plot holes and ambiguous connections between the Fable titles, it has not yet ruined the franchise or discouraged us from exploring the Fable world through role-play.

We're a long term group PSL, so if you can't juggle too many RPGs we're probably not for you.

We are still working on Bone Orchard, and recruiting heavily for more members to take up characters. Our aim is to hopefully reach the 12-member mark or somewhere thereabouts before we begin, but the absolute minimum member count would be six members. There will be a premise, but no railroaded game-wide plot: we strive for deep character development, relationships, plot, individual character pursuits, and action & adventure.

You don't need to be an old fan of the Fable series; we only got into the series when F3 was released. Fable newbies are welcome =) Although, you must have finished F3; youtube videos and reading through Wiki does not count as experience.

Please be aware that we are still a new group, and we may add, modify or remove any of the following information including the rules. New members are of course required to join in with our musing while we continue to work out what is happening in Albion, the roles characters will start off with, the full extent of The Crawler’s invasion, and expanding our research into 18th Century Europe.

The Premise | The Rules & Requirements
The Character Directory - Available & Taken
The Player Directory | Contact Us

Bone Orchard
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• marauders group psl [Feb. 5th, 2011|06:03 pm]
Can we get a James Potter over at [info]ridingshotgun? Sirius, Remus and Peter refuse to start this road trip without him!
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[Feb. 5th, 2011|07:09 pm]


Looking for a Dean for my Ruby. Up for any kind of line, but preferably smutty. Can get as dark as you're into, I'm open to pretty much anything. Can do Genevieve or Katie or a new vessel. No big. I'm up for discussing all details, just really in the mood for this line lately.
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