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Writers Wanted

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January 17th, 2011

The 13th Hour [Jan. 17th, 2011|04:19 pm]


I'm one of the mods over at [info]the13thhour via [info]fearnomods and we're looking for some characters!

Click for a List! )
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x-posted [Jan. 17th, 2011|05:25 pm]
Anyone up for trying this line. I'd especially love it if I could get a Ryan Reynolds for it.
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[Jan. 17th, 2011|07:09 pm]
Breakaway Academy for the Performing Arts (fondly referred to as simply 'Breakaway') is exactly what it sounds like. It's a school for people who have special gifts and want to work at pursuing them. A school that houses and teaches thousands of students every semester, with an impressive rate of success after graduation.

Breakaway is not a dance company, a drama school, or a music institute. It is all three, and much more, located in Vancouver, British Columbia.

Must Perform is a PB community made up of mature writers and awesome folks. The mods are fair, the premise is fresh, and the players are enthusiastic. Come and join in the fun!
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[Jan. 17th, 2011|07:49 pm]


This is a long shot but I'm looking for either a Tenth Doctor or Meta-crisis Ten for threading fun times. Long term would be appreciated but could be short term as well. If interested just comment here or at the journal.

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