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January 11th, 2011

[Jan. 11th, 2011|01:14 pm]



Buffy (me, technically) here is looking for some PSLs! I'm down with either strictly Buffy/Angel 'Verse characters or doing a crossover. No Twilight or Vampire Diaries characters, please. They just aren't my angst.

Crossover possibilities:

DC - A Batman would be fantastic. I like the idea of a Hellmouth either being formed or one that is already semi-active under Gotham City. (Wouldn't that explain all the weirdness/crazies there?) It wouldn't necessarily have to be a romantic 'line, but I'd imagine there'd be a lot of tension between the two, either way.

SPN - I know Buffy/Dean (and Buffy/Sam?) is considered to be tired and overdone by a lot of people, but I've never written it out before. In fact, I really haven't written against many SPN characters.

I'm open to ideas, though! So, feel free to suggest. <3

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[Jan. 11th, 2011|10:44 pm]


Hey guys! My name is Spoon and I'm currently play Hannah Abbott at a dark Harry Potter AU RPG called Semper Immortalis ([info]semperimmortal). I'm in need of an Ernie Macmillian to play against her!

Her current position is being a "pet"/assistant for Aidan Macnair and is currently wrapped around his little finger. I've played Hannah as having an immense crush on Ernie, but thinks he's too good for her since he is a pureblood as well. Ernie would be the only person who could actually stand up to Aidan because of his blood status being the same. The only thing I can say for Ernie is that he's stubborn and strong-willed, the rest is up to the player! ^_^

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me on AIM @ raven haired cho or e-mail @ Thanks to anyone who expresses interest! Feel free to check out the community to get an idea of what it's like!
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