Find writing partners for your psls or communites. - December 16th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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December 16th, 2010

[Dec. 16th, 2010|03:48 am]


I would be really happy if Jack's Line could get filled.

Het Supernatural PSL. Ryan Reynolds. You play the female.
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[Dec. 16th, 2010|04:33 am]


I've been kinda dying for a Hermione/Ron PSL since watching Deathly Hallows and I wouldn't so much mind a Ginny/Harry one either if anyone is interested. I would play Hermione and Ginny.

I also have some Glee muses who are very much awake so I'd be interested in the following PSLs as well.

- I would play Santana
Santana/Puck, Santana/Brittany, Santana/Quinn, Santana/Finn (If it's an interesting enough idea)

- I would play Rachel
Rachel/Finn, Rachel/Jesse, Rachel/Puck (Also if it's an interesting enough idea)

- I would play Quinn
Quinn/Puck, Quinn/Finn, Quinn/Sam, Quinn/Santana

- I would play Brittany
Brittany/Santana, Brittany/Artie

All of the above would be shippy lines. I'm also willing to listen to other ideas (shippy or not) and will play any of those characters in rivalry/non-shippy lines as well Rachel/Quinn, Santana/Quinn, etc)

I'm willing to base the Glee psls anytime be-season 1 to the current time. For the Harry Potter psls, I would prefer them to be shortly following DH (book, not the movie) I prefer threading on IJ or logging in Gdocs. I'd be willing to do some in character aim chats, however logging on aim is difficult as my aim tends to freeze and I lose everything. I would prefer long-term lines that don't die within a few comments. When I'm on my game, I can write around 4-5 paragraphs consistently (sometimes more but that's about my average). However, I can write less (2-3) if that's too much (or I can try. Sometimes my muses get pretty talkative lol). I write het and some femme. I prefer sex scenes to be ftb, but I'm willing to write them out on occasion. And I like lines with plot, not just sex scenes.
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x-posted [Dec. 16th, 2010|02:27 pm]


I'm looking for someone to play out a femme line I've had in mind for a while. It would revolve around the close and protective nature of a friendship between two young girls (aged 17-20, ideally), but I'm not looking for fluff. The SL I have in mind deals with dark subject matter such as drug abuse, violence and a variety of other criminal activities, and would follow the rapid downward spiral of the girls' morality as the toxicity (and intimacy) of their relationship strengthens.

The PB and characteristics of your half of the troublesome duo are completely up to you... I am also always open to brainstorming sessions to go over any plot suggestions/tweaks, so long as they do not completely stray from my original idea. I have a more detailed explanation of this line available upon request from any interested parties.

Any takers?
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[Dec. 16th, 2010|08:25 pm]
Lines in the journal or maybe we can work out something fandom!
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