Find writing partners for your psls or communites. - September 22nd, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Writers Wanted

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September 22nd, 2010

DW, anyone? [Sep. 22nd, 2010|11:07 am]


And this is probably a long shot but I'm looking for a Meta Crisis Tenth Doctor or a Tenth Doctor to play against either in a game setting or PSL.

If interested just comment. Thank you.
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[Sep. 22nd, 2010|07:45 pm]
I am currently looking for two lines. One centering around a pregnancy, the other around someone who has cancer. More details can be found in the journal.
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[Sep. 22nd, 2010|08:51 pm]


So, I've admitted to myself that I've lost a lot of my lines because people simply disappeared. Therefore I shall ask for new playmates. :P

I've got this idea that I'd like to play and it'd likely be a longterm thing.

I'm looking for someone to PB Robert Downey Jr against my Zooey Deschanel. Long story short, my girl works for your guy (e.g. as an intern), she fancies him, they end up sleeping together and she winds up pregnant. Girl decides to keep the baby despite guy's protests, so she gets fired(? Doesn't have to be). Baby arrives, girl starts to regret her decision, your guy steps in and agrees to help out, relationship springs from it.

Yes? Details and such can of course be discussed, this is just an outline. :) I love your sample writing and mine can be found here. If this line is not for you, I have some SLs in this journal as well. I prefer threading, but GoogleDocs have been known to work. AIM scenes do not work for me. :P

I'm at ChicagoForLovers on AIM, or just leave a comment. :)
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