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September 3rd, 2010

[Sep. 3rd, 2010|01:56 am]
I have a bad boy, all sex and no love Gale Harold pb and would really love a pretty boy, more feminine, softer, yet firm and confident man to steal his heart. AIM/Threading/e-mail. This is extremely x-posted so I apologize in advance if you're like me and have all of these communities friended.
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[Sep. 3rd, 2010|04:15 pm]
So, I created a boy ages ago for a vampire community but life happened and RP had to take a backseat for awhile. Anyhow I’m back and I’d really like to play out this guy in a PSL (or even in a community) if anybody’s up for it.
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[Sep. 3rd, 2010|05:16 pm]
Hey! My names Danielle and I play Cho Chang and Cormac McLaggen over at [info]gossipwitchrpg. I'm currently looking for both Kenneth Towler and Marcus Flint for in game plot lines. Below is the connections in game.

Marcus Flint: It was a surprise pairing that I'm now hooked on. Marcus/Cho. Basically, Marcus is a chaser for Falmouth Falcons. He was the captain, but I'm sure that can be changed if you'd like. Cho is currently the celebrity interviewer for Lavender Brown's magazine (Bewitched!). Cho ran into him, literally, and they sort of hit it off from there. They did a few quidditch dates before taking anything further. If you would like an idea of how things have been between them or even my writing capabilities you can find links to all Cho's threads in her journal [info]cholichang. PB suggestions for Marcus would be Ian Somerhalder (that was the original), but I'm willing to look past that and accept who so ever you deem suitable.

Kenneth Towler: Bromance!! Kenneth is Cormac's BFF. His partner in crime. Cormac thinks he's a ladies man, but he's not exactly the smoothest bloke. In fact, he's rather abrasive. Basically, I'm looking for someone to hang out with him, make fun of him when he crashes and burns on the lady front, and just be the other end of the Bromance. lol. PB suggestion for Kenneth would be Jared Padalecki ... only because Cormac's PB is Jensen Ackles ... and seriously? The Jared/Jensen duo is jut epic.

If you have any questions or concerns I can be reached in one of two ways. AIM - pstheshoefits and Email -
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[Sep. 3rd, 2010|08:59 pm]
Ignore the journal completely.

I've got an overwhelming urge to play Hayden Christensen as a bad ass criminal. Leave who you play here. He needs a criminal boyfriend in his life. Please, the other man needs to look the part, so that means no Zac Efron's or Jonas Brothers.
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