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Writers Wanted

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June 21st, 2010

Dean Winchester [Jun. 21st, 2010|12:03 am]
Looking for someone who’s around a lot, to play a very AU Dean Winchester (and other characters as needed) in a crossover with characters from BTVS. There are also original characters involved. The story is fairly complicated and involved and to be honest this is probably less of an RP and more of a joint fic.

I’ve been RPing this line with someone for a while but would like to try it with someone else who can be around a little more often (and write more than just a couple of lines at a time). I’ve just been writing over email but decided to try it here over journals instead (hence there being nothing at the brand new journal yet).

If anyone thinks they would be interested in this, please, please leave a comment or PM me.
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In a rare and shocking twist of events.... [Jun. 21st, 2010|08:22 am]


I'm looking for a girlfriend (of the femme kind) for this girl to join me at [info]frontiers. I don't have any definite plots in mind yet, but I'm willing to brainstorm. Right now there is a cap on female werewolves, so they could be either human or vampire, either one would work.

As for PB's, a Michelle Rodriguez would be awesome. Natalie Portman would also be awesome or even 30+ pbs like Rachel Weisz or Claudia Black. Lesser used PBs are <3 but I'm not horribly picky. If you have someone in mind, feel free!

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[Jun. 21st, 2010|05:36 pm]


My character, her mother ([info]mathmaniac), and her sister ([info]natalieknows) are looking for their father to play over at [info]genome_project. Here's some information about him:

Tentative name: Nathan Evans
Tentative age: Late 40's or Early 50's
Relations in game: Natalie Evans (20), Melanie Evans (13), Jennifer Evans (wife)
Suggested PB: Kiefer Sutherland
Suggested profession: Psychiatrist
Any details you feel needs to be included?: He's not a nice guy. He took up a position as a psychiatrist to have more control over people and their discovery of their powers.
Suggested power (if applicable): None.
Any suggested plot lines?: His daughter, Natalie, has telepathy, and will soon be able to see through to his true nature. His wife is cheating on him.
Anything you're willing to compromise?: PB, Age, slight variations in personality/relationship with family
Contact info: AIM: Justalittleoff01 for Natalie, ilu2m4u2c for Laney, and somethingrogue for Jennifer. A PM to this journal or a comment here also works!
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[Jun. 21st, 2010|05:53 pm]


I'm thinking of joining a game as Yuki Miaka from Fushigi Yuugi, looking for others to join as the Suzaku Seven and Yui. I'm particularly interested in someone willing to take Tamahome/Taka and to discuss where in the series or OVA to bring them in from.
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[Jun. 21st, 2010|11:17 pm]
Steve Burnside, Matthew Addison, Chad Kaplan, Albert Wesker and more. Report to Alice in Wonderland.

We'd love some more characters from the Resident Evil series/trilogy. Originals are loved as well.
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[Jun. 21st, 2010|11:43 pm]


Hey there, I'm from Bright Light City, a panfandom set in Las Vegas. We're looking for players in a few different fandoms so I thought I'd throw one up around here and see if we have any takers. Be advised that dead characters can come back to life in this game, so anything goes!

Lie To Me - We have a Loker and a Foster, and would love a Lightman, Ben, or Torres.

DC Comics - We have Superboy, Batgirl, Lady Shiva (Cassandra Cain), Oracle, Superman, Donna Troy, Nightwing, and Arsenal right now. The Superboy player requests that a Tim Drake/Robin player be found that is interested in a possible pairing with Kon. Other than that we'd like pretty much anyone from the DCU, bring it!

Harry Potter - The James Potter player is looking for a potential Sirius Black partner.
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