Find writing partners for your psls or communites. - April 9th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Writers Wanted

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April 9th, 2010

Do older males have to be a longshot? [Apr. 9th, 2010|10:21 am]
[info]oldharbor Looking for some of his co-workers at the revitalized Naval Air Station South Weymouth. He's the new Operations and Planning Department Head.

-His Commanding Officer the CO of the base. He would be a USN Captain and a pilot or Naval Flight Officer. The latter could lead to some amusement as the two aviator designators are somewhat competitive. This char should be in his mid to upper 40s.

-A Chief Petty Officer for the staff. He would be the senior enlisted person at the command. He could be either a late 20s hard charger who rose to that rank quickly or a crusty older guy with a lot of smarts/wisdom who would probably be in his early 30s to late 40s. The later could be a Senior or even Master CPO and would be more of the type to shepherd his officers.

-Less senior enlisted personnel possibly a yeoman, photographer, someone in the personnel or finance area, etc. These can be in their late teens and up.

-Some junior officers especially a Supply Corps type probably a Lieutenant in his late 20s.
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[Apr. 9th, 2010|10:53 am]
Storylines/faces HERE.

Desperately seeking an active player and a male character for a teacher/student line, or to fill any of my other lines!
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[Apr. 9th, 2010|09:04 pm]
Someone to play rob pattinson for me in a one nighter or short term line(depends on how things go), all drama/smut line please. Hit me up at "Dwoor" if you are down! I will play a male in return if you so wish. As for storylines, i don't have anything in mind so brainstorming is in order!
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