Find writing partners for your psls or communites. - March 25th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Writers Wanted

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March 25th, 2010

[Mar. 25th, 2010|12:44 am]
Hello. I play a number of characters looking for fellow fandom members at Bright light city ( A panfandom game based on the idea of a corporation kidnapping characters from their home universes to Las Vegas. I play six characters there:

Harry Dresden of the Dresden Files: This Harry is mostly based on the book version but he has a smattering of the TV show worked in as well. We have a Murphy and I’d love to see any other characters from the series make an appearance especially Thomas or Molly.

Chief Tyrol and Crashdown from Battlestar Galactica: We have a Boomer, an Athena, a Caprica Six, a Starbuck, an Anders, a Lee and a Helo (Wow that’s a mouthful). Any other characters would be welcome but I’m specifically looking for a Cally as we just lost ours.

I also play characters from Mass Effect and Castle but am not looking for anyone specific for those fandoms.

I can be found at nakortheblue000 if anyone would like to discuss joining and feels anything needs to be worked out.
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[Mar. 25th, 2010|08:31 pm]
Hello! I'm looking for a panfandom, multi-fandom, or Doctor Who/Torchwood community or PSL for my Donna Noble! As far as companions go, I've also played Rose and Martha, so I guess they're fair game, too. A game that already has some DW or Torchwood characters would be nice, but not required! Thanks!
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[Mar. 25th, 2010|08:42 pm]
Come on... Already been bitten once this week but my pretty neck isn't off limits just yet. Send in the fangs.

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