Find writing partners for your psls or communites. - October 27th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Writers Wanted

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October 27th, 2009

seeking the chosen one; [Oct. 27th, 2009|03:17 am]


Hi there! I'm Jessi and I am very eagerly looking for a Harry James Potter for Advena Magia [ [info]advenarpg via [info]ammods ], a new multi-era displacement Harry Potter RPG.

the game - advena magia; )

I am seeking Harry on behalf of my character Lily Potter née Evans [ [info]thricedefy ; October 31, 1981 ], James [ [info]mr_prongs ; October 31, 1981 ] and Harry's family members and friends already in game, including , but not limited to:
lily's smile was widest of all ... as though she would never be able to look at him enough; )

In addition (with regard to interactions with Lily), I would definitely like to see: Peter Pettigrew, preferences; ); the Weasleys of Lily's era and other eras; Order members & supporters of her era to create both fun and serious backstory with; Albus Dumbledore, who Lily would like to have certain Words with; and, even though Lily wouldn't like it, what would well-rounded, exciting interactions be without the Lestranges, the Malfoys, the Blacks and other Death Eaters & supporters?

Get your hold and submit an application A.S.A.P. so you can join in the fun!
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[Oct. 27th, 2009|05:17 pm]
PSLs please? I play PB and Harry Potter lines and write slash only. Check out my journal if you think you'd be interested. :)
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