Find writing partners for your psls or communites. - October 14th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Writers Wanted

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October 14th, 2009

21 lines to fill! :O [Oct. 14th, 2009|03:27 am]


Ahoy there! My name's Esh, I mod over at the [info]amixtape (reboot!). The very basic premise is that all of the people living in the fictional town of Lyric, CA are based on various songs. There's a great FAQ if you want to learn more about how that works. We are a game literally rife with SLs, and we have TONS of really interesting SLs open and waiting to be filled! I'd love to get a good number of them filled before open so we can see some of that great town dynamic ;D

I'm going to pimp for mine because I'm selfish, but check the comments to this post if you want to see the others. I have four songs (I Like A Boy In Uniform (The Pipettes), Bale Out (RevoLucian), Laura (The Scissor Sisters), and Space Game (MC Lars)) that have empty lines ranging from ex-wife to geek best friend to fake boyfriend to cougar. The ones I'm seeking most desperately are
- a fake boyfriend for a bisexual girl currently dating another girl (I Like a Boy In Uniform)
- the second son of a raging maniac OCD businessman (Bale Out)
- the poor, poor secretary of a raging maniac OCD businessman
- ex-girlfriends/cougars of an aspiring rockstar (Laura)
- the one guy in the world who wont sleep with said aspiring rockstar even though he would totally be monogamous for him, seriously!!
- fellow band members of said rockstar
- a TON of siblings (6!) for a Catholic geek (Space Game), specifically:
-- the spoiled 20 year old sister forced to share a room with her stoner, slacker 24 year old brother
-- the poor 14 year old sister overwhelmed by her crazy family and forced to share a room with her 17 year old geek brother
- a male geekbff for bromance (and possible romance?) with aforementioned Catholic geek

Specifics on those lines AND 12 MORE under the cut! )

You can contact me for any and all of these lines at dont invite her on AIM!
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