Find writing partners for your psls or communites. - August 22nd, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Writers Wanted

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August 22nd, 2009

[Aug. 22nd, 2009|06:57 pm]


Two long shots:

Women of the Otheworld:
I play: Elena Michaels
You play: Clayton Danvers
Plot discussable, but somewhere after Stolen and either before or during Broken. 

I play: Madison (from Heart
You play: Sam Winchester
Various plots in mind.

I also play Dean Winchester, but I only play het, no slash and NO WINCEST.  I am willing to play a Sam and Dean hunt line...I'm more of a Dean/Jo girl, but am willing to try other things.  No OC female hunters, it has never gone well with me.  I am wary on crossovers unless the plot is amazing.

Will rp via AIM or journal.
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[Aug. 22nd, 2009|11:20 pm]
Seeking out a Tenth Doctor for play. For more details please see the journal.
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[Aug. 22nd, 2009|11:25 pm]
I'm interested in developing a younger man/older woman PSL to be played out on AIM. I don't have anything specific in mind, so I'd like to brainstorm and come up with something we'd both enjoy. My character's history, as well as my contact information, can be found under this journal. Drop me a line on AIM (beverlywestt) if you're interested - thanks!
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[Aug. 22nd, 2009|11:38 pm]
[info]fated_times - Call all Heroes character, Villains, Human, OC, AU children, teenagers their selves, and the in-between in the Heroes fandom. Come join us in the year 2014, where a hunt for power went wrong and opened a rip in time, bringing in people from the past and future to over populate the world. What will happen? Anything can with President Sylar Nathan Petrelli in control. We dare you to see how your character will prevail.
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