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August 5th, 2009

[Aug. 5th, 2009|05:03 am]


psl or community: [info]harmony_rpg!

possible pb's or celebs: We have a few taken as it is, otherwise, we don't have a ban on any certain person. Only exception -- No Myspace personalities or cosplay. Other than that, free reign!

What I'm looking for: Well, specifically, I'm looking for a little interaction (possible romance?) for a couple of my characters. Any interest is welcome, and if a romance doesn't work out, friendship is always nice! Said characters:

Gabriel Gray ([info]ticktocktick). My favorite serial killer has a slightly new lease on life in Harmony. At it's essence, Harmony removes your character from their fandom and 'strips' their previous memories, replacing them with new ones. It might not be for everyone but it is fascinating to see how characters will work out of their normal setting.

In Harmony, Gabriel is sort of a nice guy ... but the gears are still turning. He's not exactly the most stable guy your character could go after, perhaps, but I have a blast with him. The serial killer is still in there, so be warned.

I can see him going in two different directions -- Finding a really nice girl and having her mellow him out or a naughty girl to drag his bad side out, possibly forcibly. Either would be a lot of fun. I'm not looking for a particular character (Elle Bishop would be LOVELY but not required in the least), but Gabe does have a penchant for blondes. It is possible I might give Sylar an engagement/marriage supplant, in which case our characters will have memories of being romantically involved.

Ema Skye ([info]cloudedskyes). Ema is my special snowflake. She's more reminiscent of her early days than her AJ personality -- after all, she can't remember the crushing defeat of not getting the job she wanted or hating her boss. She's cheerful, spastic, a little random, and adorable.

What she needs in a guy is someone stable, consistent, and affectionate. She's a little wild, and would need a guy to calm her down but keep things interesting enough that she doesn't feel stifled. It would be an adorable, adorable relationship, I promise! I have no preferences for characters or PBs, once again.

Zelda von Nohannsen ([info]lightofnayru). She is my sweethearted innocent one. Zelda went to an all girls school for her entire education. Her father recently passed away, and she has been restrained almost her entire life. Now she is trying to make a new life -- with slight trepidation -- and I would love to see some knight in shining armor sweep her off her feet.

As for a potential man, what would benefit Zelda best would be someone who doesn't seem impressed with her prestige or her wealth. Someone who knocks her off her high horse and intrigues her, allowing her to be herself and be a little wild. Again, characters, pbs, completely open.

Mokuba Kaiba ([info]thebetterkaiba. Mokuba is my snarky smartypants teenager. He's quite passive aggressive, tends to be quiet, but he has his opinions and will make them known. But he really is a sweetheart though he hates to show it.

The best girl for Mokuba would be someone that confuses him, breaks him out of his shell and someone who can argue for hours. He has a tendency to find fighting enjoyable, even. PBs and characters completely open.

where they can reach you: You can reach me at Or msn me at the same address. The RPG email is, and I can respond from there if need be.

Even if you don't see a fit with one of my characters, we welcome knew players from any fandom! Come join us!
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[Aug. 5th, 2009|12:00 pm]

I’m playing Rabastan Lestrange at [info]comesthesun_rpg via [info]sun_mods and I’m looking for a few characters to come and join him.

I’d especially love to see Rodolphus Lestrange who in this game setting is four years older than Rabastan, in seventh year and also currently head of the Dueling Club though this can be changed. I’d really like an intelligent, ambitious Rodolphus who’s quite protective when it comes to Rabastan. There are a couple of lines I have ideas for and I would dearly love to have a Rodolphus to bounce these off against. I’m up for playing it as a straight brotherly relationship, or maybe as something more depending on where your interests lie.

I’d love to have some of Rabastan’s friends in Slytherin too. Regulus Black, Evan Rosier, Barty Crouch Jr – anyone and everyone would be great.
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[Aug. 5th, 2009|06:19 pm]


Hi there! I'm Bette and I'm currently letting Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, and Fred Weasley here lodge in my brain while I play them at Wished.

There's a list of desired SLs here with details. But I'm looking for a few in particular. So, would the following please report there ASAP.

Percy Weasley: For general git behaviour and eventual reconciliation?
Viktor Krum: For Hermione to write to and to make Ron's head explode.
Crabbe and Goyle: Draco needs his henchmen to make his life even less fun.
Zacharias Smith: Because he's a coward, and we'd like to give him a chance to make up for it.
Bellatrix Lestrange: Because we have her husband and brother and need to fill our set. Also because her Lord needs her.
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[Aug. 5th, 2009|11:09 pm]
Looking for something voodoo and New Orleans related. I don't have a specific plot in mind at the moment, I just think the setting would be a lot of fun to work with. I can be reached on aim at shooterxkitty or by email at Slash and threading only. :D
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