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Writers Wanted

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July 22nd, 2009

Connections Wanted [Jul. 22nd, 2009|10:46 am]
Hiya, my name's Sue and I'm looking for players to pick up character connections in a new game we're starting at the weekend. The game can be found here and it's basically an original character game set in a 1930-40s noir-esque world, but I'm looking for several specific types to provide links for my characters.

Firstly, I'm looking for people who can connect to my character, Brett. Brett was a straight cop, before he got royally screwed over three years ago and is now working for the mob. He's recently saved a woman's life and took her to live with a back street doctor, who subsequently disappeared. I would love it if someone could 'reappear' that doctor. Also looking for people that Brett works with in the mob - either on his level, or his superiors (Brett is basically just muscle, so higher ups are definitely viable).

Secondly, I have Pepper a 15/16 year old street kid, she's meant to have a lot of connections amongst the homeless and I'm looking for people to take up those connections. The game has a lot of potential for a great down-and-out community, so there's a multitude of possibilities there!

Finally, I'm looking for connections for my copy-editor Hal - Hal works for the City Echo, the main newspaper in the game. He's always wanted to be an actual reporter, but life has past him by and he's got a lot of unfulfilled dreams. He's also got an ex-wife, Valerie, who I would adore someone to take! She's also got a second husband and they have kids together, so people to take all of those would be wonderful - the details have been left vague, to give maximum possibilities, but I'm more than happy to discuss how things could work with them! I'm also looking for people that Hal works with at the paper.

If you want to discuss anything here, please email me at justforeverme at googlemail dot com
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[Jul. 22nd, 2009|01:58 pm]


Looking for some new PSLs. Details are in the journal.
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[Jul. 22nd, 2009|07:12 pm]
Multiple requests! Our players are looking for the following storylines to be filled:

[info]venner needs an on and off partner. The relationship is profoundly sexual, deeply physical and could, in time, become more. His motives are colored by the desire to be with one of his own kind rather than a normal.

[info]winona_ has been single for a long, long time now and could use someone to like her back. She's been known to crush on various people without much coming of it. The fact that she's a mutant and single mother living in a predominantly unevolved setting should play a part in the relationship.

[info]theharah needs an ex-lover (male or female) who knows about her captivity. The relationship could be rekindled through the latter visiting her or something along those lines. Character would preferably be a normal, although a mutant in hiding could be interesting.

[info]iggyiwate his SO and current balance to his inner madness. Their relationship is closer to friendship at times and new. Character needs to be male and unevolved, but PB/age is entirely up to player.

[info]binhsmith Looking for his wife. Marriage used to be strong, but his time spent with a particular mutant prisoner is causing a strain.

[info]cobydv is in need of a guard to befriend and seduce.

[info]shilah_w needs a normal girlfriend to create conflict between other normals living in the territory and from surving family members on both sides. Preferred PBs are Keri Russell and Tembi Locke, though player is flexible.

[info]shilah_w and [info]winona_ are looking for their sister Yazhi, a powerful mutant of an expanding fief. Character's age must be under 35, but power and territory can be selected by player. Karina Lombard, Sarah Weston preferred played bys.

[info]warlords needs leaders, resistance fighters. Details and other wanted characters can be found here.

Game Premise )
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[greek swim] an adult greek gods group psl on inksome [Jul. 22nd, 2009|10:16 pm]

An Adult Greek Mythology Group Private Storyline Roleplay set in Present Day.
With opportunities for character development and playing out your favorite myths.
Featuring mature content... fabulous content, fresh for you!


( click here for more information )

[greek swim communities]
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