Find writing partners for your psls or communites. - March 4th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Writers Wanted

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March 4th, 2009

[Mar. 4th, 2009|11:40 am]
The Marquee!

Dakota Fanning so that she can round out the Push cast!
Mary Elizabeth Winstead and Michael Cera so that Chris can hang out with someone while filming in Toronto.
JESSICA BIEL reminisce with. :[
Vanessa Minillo.
Bryce Dallas Howard.
BRYAN GREENBERG. name a few.

For the rest of the shopping list, check out The WANTED List
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Ahahaha .so lame. [Mar. 4th, 2009|02:21 pm]
[mood | amused]

Alright; first off hullo! I am actually looking for a couple things. I want to find a home for this PB--Bill Kaulitz. I am either looking for a good community (celeb preferably, but will considering AU or Fantasy within reason) or a PSL. Now I prefer slash (boy/boy) but it is NOT required and I am willing to give anything a good go. It would be most awesome if I could get my Bill a Tom and maybe the rest of the bandmates too.

My second Ideas is to have a couple people to start a celeb based community with. I am open for ALL ideas and like nearly all PB's--Including scene queens and celeb brats.) Multi-fandom is awesome as well. I am able to do more than one character if needed and have lots of time on my hands (after an accident, I'm kind of stuck on bed rest and prefer to spend it with my laptop ^^;) Feel free to either comment here or send me a message on here. If you would like to thoroughly talk about it then feel free to IM me on the AIM in my profile. No I do not have MSN or Yahoo, but if you're seriously interested I could easily get them.

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