Tuesday, May 19th, 2009

Bloodlines - A Post-DH RPG


Last night, the five highest ranking Aurors on the squad ended up dead. And it looks like whatever killed them may be contagious....


Bloodlines is a post-Deathly Hallows, non-epilogue compliant Harry Potter roleplaying game set four years after the Battle of Hogwarts. The focus of the game is on building strong, dynamic characters, exciting plotlines, and an overall good story as the characters move through their daily lives in a world thrown once again into upheaval. The mods are active both in playing and plotting, and players are encouraged to become involved in existing plots and to create their own stories and characters.

Many great canon characters are still available (including Harry!), so sign up early to be involved in pre-game plotting and backstory brainstorming for them!

Story | About | Characters | Rules | Jobs | Application

Pre-gaming begins May 29, 2009.
Apps will be approved after that date.
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Sunday, December 14th, 2008


The REPUBLIC is a dark AU Trio-era Post-warts game that takes place more than a year after the Battle of Hogwarts on 2 May 1998. The game is DH-compliant until Harry Potter's confrontation with Voldemort in the forest -- this time, Harry was killed, Voldemort won, and Death Eaters have since continued being the power behind the Ministry of Magic.

Dumbledore's Army and the Order of the Phoenix are, however, coming together again in the autumn of 1999 after a year of disbandment, imprisonment, Ministry service, or forced hiding. We are currently recruiting for key characters on all sides to further a number of plots that have been planned for the next several months.

NEVILLE LONGBOTTOM, RON WEASLEY, LUNA LOVEGOOD, Seamus Finnigan, Hannah Abbott, Terry Boot, Michael Corner, Padma Patil, Gregory Goyle, Blaise Zabini, Katie Bell, Angelina Johnson, Lee Jordan, Alicia Spinnet, George Weasley, Muggle-borns, etc.

Currently accepting applications.
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Saturday, December 6th, 2008

Harry Potter AU time-travel game

Premise | Characters | The story so far | Rules & Application

They had been granted an opportunity to put right everything that had gone wrong. Can Harry save his parents? Can Draco fix it so he is never asked to kill Dumbledore? Can Peter escape the lure of the Death Eaters? Can Severus keep Lily safe? Or could they possibly make everything worse?

Want something a little different? Looking for an AU game? A marauder-era game? A trio-era game? A game where you can play an evil Death Eater without people assuming that you are a horrible person in real life? A game where you can play an Order member with some actual opposition in-game? A game with talented players, an abundance of plot, and a promise not to die? ;-) Chronic Resurrection is a dark Harry Potter game set in 1977 and 1998 exploring the AU that arises following the inadvertent time-travel of four key individuals from 1998. We'd love it if you checked us out.

Most wanted: Regulus Black, Rabastan Lestrange, Mulciber, Keagan Jugson [nee Moon], 3 children of Keagan and Armand Jugson (age/name/gender to be discussed with Armand's player), Odette Avery [nee Goyle], Francis Avery (son of Lanyon and Odette Avery), Ronald Weasley, Ted Tonks, and most importantly even more DEATH-EATERS in both times.
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Wednesday, December 3rd, 2008


The REPUBLIC is a dark AU Trio-era Post-warts game that takes place more than a year after the Battle of Hogwarts on 2 May 1998. The game is DH-compliant until Harry Potter's confrontation with Voldemort in the forest -- this time, Harry was killed, Voldemort won, and Death Eaters have since continued being the power behind the Ministry of Magic.

Dumbledore's Army and the Order of the Phoenix are, however, coming together again in the autumn of 1999 after a year of disbandment, imprisonment, Ministry service, or forced hiding. We are currently recruiting for key characters on all sides to further a number of plots that have been planned for the next several months.

NEVILLE LONGBOTTOM, RON WEASLEY, LUNA LOVEGOOD, Seamus Finnigan, Hannah Abbott, Terry Boot, Michael Corner, Padma Patil, Gregory Goyle, Blaise Zabini, Katie Bell, Angelina Johnson, Lee Jordan, Alicia Spinnet, George Weasley, Muggle-borns, etc.

Currently accepting applications.
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Wednesday, November 26th, 2008


The REPUBLIC is a dark AU Trio-era Post-warts game that takes place more than a year after the Battle of Hogwarts on 2 May 1998. The game is DH-compliant until Harry Potter's confrontation with Voldemort in the forest -- this time, Harry was killed, Voldemort won, and Death Eaters have since continued being the power behind the Ministry of Magic.

Dumbledore's Army and the Order of the Phoenix are, however, coming together again in the autumn of 1999 after a year of disbandment, imprisonment, Ministry service, or forced hiding. We are currently recruiting for key characters on all sides to further a number of plots that have been planned for the next several months.

Seamus Finnigan, Terry Boot, Michael Corner, Padma Patil, Gregory Goyle, Blaise Zabini, Katie Bell, Angelina Johnson, Lee Jordan, Alicia Spinnet, George Weasley, Muggle-borns, etc.

Currently accepting applications.
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Monday, September 15th, 2008

Harry Potter dark AU time-travel game

Premise || Characters || The story so far || Rules & Application

"They had been granted an opportunity to put right everything that had gone wrong. Can Harry save his parents? Can Draco fix it so he is never asked to kill Dumbledore? Or could they possibly make everything worse?"

This is Chronic Resurrection - a dark time-travel game set in both the MWPP and trio eras of the Harry Potter universe. In 1977, Voldemort's power is rising and allegiances polarising. Most have no way of knowing the significance of the their choices on the future, but there are four who have that foresight and have the power to change history. In 1998, things have gone terribly wrong. They succeeded in changing history: Voldemort has now won.

This exciting game is currently recruiting and is in particular need of the following characters: James Potter, Severus Snape (a traveller), Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Jugson, Regulus Black, Andromeda Black, Rabastan Lestrange, MORE DEATHEATERS.
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Sunday, August 24th, 2008

Premise || Characters || The story so far || Rules & Application

"They had been granted an opportunity to put right everything that had gone wrong. Can Harry save his parents? Can Draco fix it so he is never asked to kill Dumbledore? Or could they possibly make everything worse?"

This is Chronic Resurrection - a dark time-travel game set in both the MWPP and trio eras. In 1977, Voldemort's power is rising and allegiances polarising. Most have no way of knowing the significance of the their choices on the future, but there are four who have that foresight and have the power to change history. In 1998, things have gone terribly wrong. They succeeded in changing history: Voldemort has now won.

This exciting game is currently recruiting and is in particular need of the following characters: James Potter, Severus Snape (a traveller), Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Jugson, Andromeda Black, Rabastan Lestrange, MORE DEATHEATERS.
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Monday, July 21st, 2008


On 2 May 1998, the Second War finally came to an end - and with the death of Harry Potter, a new era of peace, stability, and the return of purist rule and wizarding superiority over Muggles has begun.

It has now been over a year since the Battle of Hogwarts and the Ministry of Magic under Pius Thicknesse has continued to thrive. Pure-bloods once again hold positions of power. The misguided students of the perversely named Dumbledore's Army are being reformed into well-behaved citizens who dutifully serve their government. Promising young wizards from the old families are recruited into the new Knights of Walpurgis to foster political and social connections among the elite. More Muggle-born criminals are safely locked away each day to protect those worthy of magic. The balance of freedom between the wizards and Muggles is finally tipping back into the favour of the magical world for the first time since the International Statute of Secrecy was passed in 1692.

Despite all of the current regime's successes, however, there are still terrorists - such as the Order of the Phoenix - and dissenters who would betray the Ministry and everything it stands for from within and without. For most, the war is over - and for others, it never ended and will not until the world has descended into anarchy once more.


The REPUBLIC is a dark AU Post-warts game that follows canon up until the end of the first half of the Battle of Hogwarts. In the AU-verse, Voldemort succeeded in killing Harry Potter in the forest, and the Ministry of Magic under the control of the Death Eaters has continued to become more and more powerful with each passing month.

Applications currently being accepted.
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Sunday, March 16th, 2008


Mod Journal | Game | Plot | Application | Rules | Available Characters | Taken Characters and PBs

Dark Dissension is a slightly AU post-Hogwarts game set in 2005. Conflict is brewing again.
-DH Compliant, but not epilogue compliant (hence the AU).
-18+ game.
-Slash/Het friendly.
-NC-17 for themes, subject matter, and violence predominantly.
-Plot & Character based (i.e. smut is NOT a mainstay of play).
-Mods are friendly and willing to help however possible.
-We want people who like to play and who play things true to their character (no metagaming).
-We love people willing to cause some IC drama and get messed up!
-OOC Drama will not be tolerated.
-Characters WILL all be up for attack should attack need to happen, there is no bowing out of that. This does not mean serious injury will occur.

Quicker and Easier version of the plot )

Wanted: DARK CHARACTERS. Purists, criminals, anyone who will muck things up and help us to instigate things a bit!

Please click the fabulous linkies under the image for the complete plot, character list, rules and application
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Tuesday, December 18th, 2007

If you need a tag, please let me know here and I will add it.
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