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May 1st, 2024 @ 9:43am

My headaches aren't stopping. I spoke with my psych nurse yesterday, and we're going to try weaning off a couple meds to see if they're affecting my head. I'm starting with the Concerta first, since that seems the less drastic of the two, and the last time I tried to wean off Wellbutrin, my brain was definitely not kind. But it's been months of these non-stop headaches- migraine meds aren't working, nsaids can help lessen them, but they never really go away.

I dropped Dunwich last night. I'm a little bummed, as I genuinely loved my characters and my lines, but when a hobby starts feeling like more stress than fun, it's time to step back.

I've updated my cast list; I'm still trying to get things started at [info]easthaven but it's been quiet enough that I'm not sure if it'll go far. It's got more of a gpsl vibe, which is fine, but I haven't heard from several in a few days- I may give it a few weeks and see if anybody wants to post and go from there? And I've added Irene from The Invisible Library at [info]thegenesis which I've only been at for a few days but I'm liking it so far! And then keeping a few psls with former Dunwich characters- I wrote Alison before Dunwich, so she and Ben will absolutely still get some things and I've got a few other lines I really enjoyed and am looking forward to exploring more.

But if any of y'all want mine for anything- let me know? I'm absolutely down for helping to create plot or shenanigans or things for people to get up to.

I still really would like a nap.
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[Code] Grids [
April 25th, 2024 @ 1:36pm

I hate them with the passion of a thousand suns )
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April 18th, 2024 @ 10:42pm

I miss next-gen.
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April 18th, 2024 @ 7:38am

I am just so tired lately.

Foot is healing up fine after surgery- I was able to walk around downtown Cleveland for opening day. Dealing with some health stuff, but my doctors are pretty frustrating with not being very helpful when I ask about steps to take for things I'm dealing with. Work is fine, and RP has been..okay?

I dropped Diana and Nikolai, mostly because I've been feeling like I'm pulling teeth for plots and I'm just done chasing people for scenes. I would like to write with people who want to write with me, and don't want to be the one making all the effort. I'm happy to plot long term stuff, or come up with shenanigans or things to get into and work on character development, but I can't be the one doing all the reaching out. Diana had been trying to help train other witches, and just got pushback and distrust and I'm done. I love Diana but I don't want to stress myself out to play her.

I'm mostly feeling iced out in some group stuff, and I'm not quite sure how to handle that in character.

I'm struggling a little with the characters I have left, but I legitimately love the characters I write and certain lines I have with them. But we'll see what happens.

[info]easthaven hasn't opened yet; I'm still waiting for apps to add characters to get going. I hope it turns into something fun, but if it falls through, that's alright, too.

Friends at [info]thegenesis, I am definitely lurking the taken/holds pages, but I am totally stuck on who to pick up!

Where else are we writing these days?
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