Final Stand OOC's Journal -- Day
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Final Stand OOC

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*puts on mod hat* [10 Mar 2010|07:56pm]
Hey everyone.

It's been a pretty slow couple of weeks due in part to crazy RL stuff, mysterious interweb contagious illnesses, and whatnot. Prior to that it was less than fast paced and we the mods have noticed that some people are not posting very ofter (or at all).

So here's a little role call thing. Please post here to let us know if you are still around and if you havn't been making posts in the past few weeks/at all why (You're waiting to introduce your character, you need something for your character to do, you're still waiting to find out how that one rp you had going three weeks ago ended because the other person still hasn't gotten back to you and it kind of matters, you've been deathly ill, ect.). If you havn't responded in one way or the other by the end of next week we're going to assume you've dropped out and IJ ate the PM and recast your character.

This post is also to strongly encourage all of you who don't have something to keep your characters activly involved in either the main story or one of the current side stories to use this space to brainstorm plots of your own. Does your character want a love interest but you're not sure whose interested? Post about it here! Do you have an awsome idea for a interesting quest and reaserch and dramma and such but need another character(s) to make it interesting? Post about it here! Want to just find someone fun for your character to go to the club with and see what developes? You guessed it, post about it here!

It doesn't have to be long plots, it can just be a start of something to see what happens. Buffy and Eliot met because I thought "What the hell, Eliot would want to meet the slayer if he had the chance." Maybe you've noticed the posts about the epic love story it's turned into (or, you know, a large portion of the plot). Take a chance, play some threads, have fun!

*Takes off mod hat* Go forth and write!

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