Final Stand OOC's Journal
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Final Stand OOC

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Calling all mods [March 3, 2010 | 2:25pm]

Hey, so...are any of the folks running this place still around and checking this site?  I know the last time I spoke to one of you, it was to the Eliot player, who wasn't feeling very well.  But that was awhile ago now, and I haven't seen any sign of our Buffy since she said she'd be back, which was almost two weeks ago now.  Normally, I wouldn't be this insistent about it, except that the last thread I was in is now completed, and I'm looking for what to do next.  I have such a thread planned with a friend of mine, should his application be accepted, but it's been weeks now without any response.  That is, I think, understandably a little frustrating for him, and I'm starting to wonder what to tell him.

Obviously, I'm sorry if more real life problems have come up that I'm just not aware of.  But if any of you ARE reading this, I'd really appreciate a heads up.  Thanks.
6 responses| post

Application page [March 22, 2010 | 6:17pm]

Hey.  I just thought I should bring it to the mods' attention that a friend of mine recently applied to this game.  He's an OC, but I know that the rules regarding that have been relaxed recently, so I told him that while I wasn't sure if he'd be accepted, there was no harm in submitting an application.  It's been up for a week or so now though, and it doesn't appear to have been noticed.  So at your earliest convenience, could someone please take a look?  Thanks in advance.
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Question [March 18, 2010 | 11:39pm]

So I don't make any dumb mistakes in answering Riley's question in the meeting post...

What should Giles be able to bring Riley up to speed on? Yes he can speak for the Council, but I'm floundering 'cause I have no idea what to have him say LOL.

Sorry if I sound kinda dumb there, and thanks for the help.
5 responses| post

[March 18, 2010 | 6:28pm]

Hey guys! Sorry about me being MIA some shit went down OOC. I'll be back in the game starting this weekend hopefully, I'm using a friends computer to update. Keep going without me until sunday the latest, that's when I should be back!

*puts on mod hat* [March 10, 2010 | 7:56pm]

Hey everyone.

It's been a pretty slow couple of weeks due in part to crazy RL stuff, mysterious interweb contagious illnesses, and whatnot. Prior to that it was less than fast paced and we the mods have noticed that some people are not posting very ofter (or at all).

So here's a little role call thing. Please post here to let us know if you are still around and if you havn't been making posts in the past few weeks/at all why (You're waiting to introduce your character, you need something for your character to do, you're still waiting to find out how that one rp you had going three weeks ago ended because the other person still hasn't gotten back to you and it kind of matters, you've been deathly ill, ect.). If you havn't responded in one way or the other by the end of next week we're going to assume you've dropped out and IJ ate the PM and recast your character.

This post is also to strongly encourage all of you who don't have something to keep your characters activly involved in either the main story or one of the current side stories to use this space to brainstorm plots of your own. Does your character want a love interest but you're not sure whose interested? Post about it here! Do you have an awsome idea for a interesting quest and reaserch and dramma and such but need another character(s) to make it interesting? Post about it here! Want to just find someone fun for your character to go to the club with and see what developes? You guessed it, post about it here!

It doesn't have to be long plots, it can just be a start of something to see what happens. Buffy and Eliot met because I thought "What the hell, Eliot would want to meet the slayer if he had the chance." Maybe you've noticed the posts about the epic love story it's turned into (or, you know, a large portion of the plot). Take a chance, play some threads, have fun!

*Takes off mod hat* Go forth and write!
16 responses| post

Quiet [March 6, 2010 | 1:17pm]

Are we still moving in this group? I'm just curious becuase there haven't been any new threads in a few days. Is RL in the way? I hate it when that happens. Hurry back :)
6 responses| post

Giles [March 3, 2010 | 8:59am]

Thanks for the plot device, Riley and Xander players :) It will get him back in the game fastser, although he'll still have to learn to walk again and all that. The stuff will heal him and then he'll have to retrain himself.
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Claire is in need of interaction. :D [February 27, 2010 | 12:07pm]

Hey everyone! I was wondering if anyone would like to do some plotting with me for interactions with Claire? ^.^ She's kind of excited to find out more about demons, vampires and you know - the whole shebang that she's no real idea about yet, lol. So, if anyone is interested in doing anything with Little Miss Miracle Grow, just drop me a line here. Definitely up for any kind of plot, especially one that shows off her awesome healing factor.
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Giles Love? [February 25, 2010 | 12:47pm]

Would anyone be interested in creating an OC to ultimately be a love interest for our head Watcher? It could be a lady Watcher, I suppose, or maybe someone who's not one but affiliated with the demon hunting and stuff's not like normal ladies are really a possibility do you explain to someone "I train girls to hunt vampires?" lol I just think he could use a little love too :)

Okay, I got a taste of it in one of my other games and I can't get enough LOL. Watcher-love.
(too bad the powers can't send Jenny back...poor guy)

anyway, I just thought I'd ask. I can't well do it myself, player-cest is boring lol
3 responses| post

[February 21, 2010 | 7:36pm]

Please add and welcome:
Lindsey McDonald

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[February 19, 2010 | 7:35pm]

please add and welcome the new angel:

If anyone is interested in taking Lindsey, Gunn, or Wesley feel free.

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hello beautiful people [February 17, 2010 | 8:13pm]

Please don't recast me just yet. I assure you that I'll be back in full-swing soon.
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[February 16, 2010 | 10:03pm]

Hey, mod here!

I know we've lost Angel, but don't fret we have another one on the way as we speak. If anyone could pick up the Lindsey role or Gunn that would be fantastic, but if not we can manage for now until we find one.

If anyone else thinks the SL is moving at an unreasonable pace please say so now, so we can slow things up a bit. I think we are moving at a decent pace, we've been role playing the same in character week for over three weeks now.

Leaving [February 16, 2010 | 9:23pm]

Okay I've decided after much thought to leave this comm,because there are just too many OC's and the game's moving way too fast for me to be able to keep up. Good luck with the game, and please feel free to replace my Lilah.
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[February 16, 2010 | 8:23pm]

Unfortunately, I'm going to have to leave the community. That means that Lindsey, Angel, Gunn, and Dawn will need to be recast. Sorry guys.

[February 16, 2010 | 7:13pm]

Melanie Martin [info]thefelineone

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yikes [February 12, 2010 | 8:01pm]

I'm still over at my aunt's. She doesn't have AIM, but I'll be checking up now and then and posting. I hope you're all doing well in this weather.

[February 12, 2010 | 7:42pm]

The weather seems to have screwed most of us up. Patience please! My life has been kind of crazy the past couple days too. Sorry it took so long to do these ads and removals.

Please welcome:
Rose Shepard [info]jaded_beauty the rogue demon hunter.
Claire Bennet [info]hi_claire_bear from heroes.
Drusilla [info]missedithssire

Please remove:
[info]pullingsmoke we're going to say Raul killed him.

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Question [February 12, 2010 | 8:44am]

What ep are we considering ourselves to be at now? Are we gonna do the puppets? lol

I'm mainly curious about how the thing with the sarcophagus will progress...I'm not going about Illyria in the same way as the series, and the mods know this, but I am curious if Gunn will be involved like he was onscreen. And I'm not exactly sure where we're at, so I want to find out to keep track of things.

For those who weren't in on our talks, Illyria will manifest, but Fred won't'll be a derivation or whatever you want to call it of some original Season 6 plans. They'll fight for control of the body, and I suppose if another player comes along wanting Illyria, we could do a body split way down the road, as was originally planned onscreen.

Also the manifestation will take longer, probably a couple weeks. It'll start with her feeling bad and hearing voices and stuff, and things like body aches and weird twitches. It will get worse over time, with convulsions (the power struggles in visible form) and things like that. Illyria will get stronger and she'll get weaker, until we reach a turning point, a reversal. Fred becomes the one trapped inside with Illyria out most of the time. The team can even have the idea for a bit that Fred is dead, only to discover she's really still alive in there, making it harder to deal with Illyria. We can still do the plot with Illyria becoming too powerful and the team draining some of her power to control her, which will put Fred and Illyria in pretty much a perpetual state of fighting for control.

I might even switch profiles down the road, I have an old Illyria one lying around from an RP I had to leave, and I can switch back and forth depending on who's in control.


BTW anyone wanna thread with Giles? I need a place for him.
4 responses| post

[February 10, 2010 | 4:42pm]

Hey everyone. I'm on the east coast and getting hit pretty hard by these storms. It's doing a number on my campuses power and internet access. It's back (for the moment) but it's been coming on and off for awhile. I may be back to play for good tonight or I could be off until this snowmagedon clears up.

Just letting you all know.
1 response| post

Taking a Hiatus [February 10, 2010 | 12:24pm]

Hey guys,
So I won't be able to play for the next week because I am moving to Alberta. I should be back sometime next week. Hope you all have fun :D
~Janis (aka Willow-mun)

[February 7, 2010 | 5:44am]

Welcome and add:
Connor [info]prophecyboy
Giles [info]tweedywatcher

While logged in, type your username in the box and hit add friends.
We will be posting this in the OOC community as well each time we get new members.


[February 7, 2010 | 12:11am]

Hello all.

I'm so sorry I've been MIA the past...god, I don't even know how long. A week?

My hallmate from when I lived in the dorms had encephalitis (I think), which led to brain death. I basically threw some essentials into my car and drove the seven hours north as soon as I heard so that I could say goodbye before her parents pulled the plug. After that, I stayed a few more days, while my friends and I were on suicide watch for her girlfriend. I'd probably still be there, except that I was monetarily incapable of extending my trip any longer.

Anyway, I'm back now and working on replying to the threads I left open, kinda hoping to throw myself into this so I don't have to think about the last week.
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Away Notice [February 6, 2010 | 6:50pm]

Oh crap.

So maybe you don't know, but NE Ohio is buried under a ton of snow. I had no electricity for most of today which is why I didn't show to RP with you guys. I still have no water because the pipes are froze. I'm going to be over at my aunt's because she's handicapped and needs to have someone around if things go south. Alright. Just know I'm not dead or anything :)
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[February 4, 2010 | 9:48pm]

So I was wondering if anyone would want to take on the role of Drusilla for companian ship with Raul, so he can rub it in Angel and Spike's face.

[February 4, 2010 | 7:15pm]

Hey guys! More characters here. Update your friends list and welcome them!
Raul [info]luar
Gale [info]the_nightingale
Gideon [info]spasticgeek

Also wanted to know who has read over the 12 Stones notes I wrote and if anyone wanted me to write up "The Book of Truths."

The verdict on the avatar pbs is in and it is a nay. Majority rules.

Annnd for new thread purposes it's important that you read this
The big bads left Angel and the gang a present! Anyone can start the thread corrseponding to it the next day or that same night.

Also wanted to check up on you guys and see how you were feeling about the community. Do any of you have any questions, comments, concerns or wishes as to how things are being run and handled? Just want to keep you guys happy!

Here is the friends add button!
While logged in, type your username in the box and hit add friends.
We will be posting this in the OOC community as well each time we get new members.

Also wanted to note that Fred/Lourne is back and off of hiatus, so if you'd like to help them get a start on their characters feel free to PM/Comment them on their journals or email them.

That's it!

[February 3, 2010 | 7:50pm]

Please add and welcome:
Azrael, Son of Satan [info]manwithaplan
Lilith [info]withtheman
Crimson [info]get_blood_drunk
Oz [info]theozmancometh

Please update your friends list!
This button will add all of the members to your friends list.

Another question has come up! It is about played bys, how do you guys feel about anime or avatar icons for played bys instead of just real faces. Yay, or Nay.
8 responses| post

[February 3, 2010 | 11:09am]

the book of twelve stones is now available, uncut.

also a list of mystical artifacts we'll have aquired durring the game.

I am thinking about writing pieces of the "Book of Truths" like I did for The Book of 12 Stones.
Let me know what you think.

[February 1, 2010 | 12:05am]

Please welcome and add the following people!
Watcher Conrad Ramone [info]ramone_conrad
Slayer Amelia Lauk [info]slayer_lock

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[January 30, 2010 | 7:59pm]

I've been working really hard to kind of get our plot pages together and stuff.
So as the members I would appreciate it if you took some time to read the following pages;

Then when you're done comment here and let me know what you think of all of it.
4 responses| post

[January 30, 2010 | 4:01pm]

Everyone please welcome Riley Finn!

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We will be posting this in the OOC community as well each time we get new members.


[January 29, 2010 | 6:14pm]

New Idea for the side of Evil.

the proposal )
2 responses| post

[January 29, 2010 | 4:13am]

Just wanted to let everyone know that fred/lorne-mun is having internet problems and is taking a short hiatus.

Also was wondering if anyone knew where Lilah-mun has been and if she's going to be active here?

9 responses| post

[January 28, 2010 | 6:17pm]

Welcome watcher Julian Alexander [info]pullingsmoke,
and his slayer Jacelyn Hartly [info]jhartly!

Please update your friends list!
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While logged in, type your username in the box and hit add friends.
We will be posting this in the OOC community as well each time we get new members.


[January 27, 2010 | 6:05pm]

So we've got partway through getting the first plotpoint finished. Go us!

We're continuing again in two hours, at 8est for those of you who weren't involved yestarday and happen to be checking the ooc site right now.

Willow-mun may or may not be involved. She gave permission to mod Willow reopening the portal for them to get back if we need to.


Thinking about having "devil's host" lackies as OCs, and writing up a page about them. They would probably be vampires if it's an accepted idea.

Also, going to start opening up - rogue demon hunter/slayer/watcher OC availablity. The applications will be looked over thoroughly by all three mods so that we don't have any problems.

Is there maybe some way maybe Angel can convince Wolfram & Hart to set up a floor for housing just for them?

Please comment your thoughts, rants, and concerns.

The Time is Now... [January 25, 2010 | 8:37pm]

The Great Lindsey Rescue will take place (in game) in the daytime on Tuesday January 19th, skipping forward a few in game days. If you'd like to have anything happen between our current time (Saturday night/Sunday morning) and then feel free to start a thread.

If you have an issue with this please let us know.

[January 25, 2010 | 12:09am]

Announcement: At 8pm eastern time on Tuesday the 26th, the group will be doing operation rescue lindsey. If anyone wants to join in on it we suggest you be online at the time. Everyone is welcome to be in on the event! If you're going to be on, please comment here and let us know so we can have an idea of who to wait for.
13 responses| post

[January 23, 2010 | 5:47am]

Please add and welcome Faith Lehane.

This button will add all of the members to your friends list.
While logged in, type your username in the box and hit add friends.
We will be posting this in the OOC community as well each time we get new members.


[January 22, 2010 | 6:21pm]

We now have a Lorne!

Kennedy has decided to leave the community.

Friends Add/Remove
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While logged in, type your username in the box and hit add friends.
We will be posting this in the OOC community as well each time we get new members.


[January 21, 2010 | 1:00am]

I got really bored and decided to use photoshop to make out a general layout of the training room. Here it is.

the training room )

How would you guys feel. [January 20, 2010 | 5:04pm]

How would you guys feel if I started a plot/sls entry on the moderator journal for people to talk about plot ideas or a storyline/plotting community?

[January 20, 2010 | 1:53am]

new members. please welcome the new fred and wesley!
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While logged in, type your username in the box and hit add friends.
We will be posting this in the OOC community as well each time we get new members.

15 responses| post

musical struck the comods. [January 20, 2010 | 1:01am]

For your amusement. Eliot-mun & I redid a buffy musical song.

I'll Never Tell )
1 response| post

[January 19, 2010 | 10:00pm]

So, between talking to Eliot-mun, Willow-mun & the moderator we have come up with an interesting idea having to do with the piece of jewelry that Parker had stolen.

idea under here )

Edit: Another Idea.
Maybe? )
9 responses| post

Writers, they're always plotting... [January 19, 2010 | 8:44pm]

After some talks with Buffy's Mun and trying to figure out plot like things to make the end of days make some kind of sense. I have a plot proposal that can get us farther than just finding Lindsey and going "now what".

Here goes.

In a word: Doom. )
7 responses| post

[January 19, 2010 | 1:40am]

friends button update.

This button will add all of the members to your friends list.
While logged in, type your username in the box and hit add friends.
We will be posting this in the OOC community as well each time we get new members.


Questions? Comments? [January 17, 2010 | 4:06pm]

So it looks like there is an exodus occurring and a few things will be changing so I figured it might be best to make a post for people to ask questions or whatnot.

So here it is.

Questions? Comments? Thoughts of mutiny? Inquiries about our sanity or lack there of?

Let us know!
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