Final Stand OOC's Journal -- Day
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Final Stand OOC

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[16 Feb 2010|07:13pm]
Melanie Martin [info]thefelineone

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[16 Feb 2010|08:23pm]
Unfortunately, I'm going to have to leave the community. That means that Lindsey, Angel, Gunn, and Dawn will need to be recast. Sorry guys.

Leaving [16 Feb 2010|09:23pm]
Okay I've decided after much thought to leave this comm,because there are just too many OC's and the game's moving way too fast for me to be able to keep up. Good luck with the game, and please feel free to replace my Lilah.

[16 Feb 2010|10:03pm]
Hey, mod here!

I know we've lost Angel, but don't fret we have another one on the way as we speak. If anyone could pick up the Lindsey role or Gunn that would be fantastic, but if not we can manage for now until we find one.

If anyone else thinks the SL is moving at an unreasonable pace please say so now, so we can slow things up a bit. I think we are moving at a decent pace, we've been role playing the same in character week for over three weeks now.

[ viewing | February 16th, 2010 ]
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