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The Final Stand

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Buffy Can You Come Outside? [25 Feb 2010|12:55am]
Who: Buffy, Eliot, (Lindsey if he wants to show up).
Where:Buffy's apartment and a nearby Park
When: Sunday 7:30 Am
What: Buffy is upset, Eliot takes care of her.
Status: Are things going on or is the post complete?
Rating: G-R, G having no adult content to R having a lot.

Take a Walk With Me in the Sunshine )

[25 Feb 2010|03:00am]
Who: Angel (Cordelia Chase)
Where: Angels apartment. He invited his girlfriend over.
When: 9 pm. Sunday.
What: Spending time together.
Status: Complete.
Rating: PG-13

Boyfriend, Girlfriend Stuff.  )

[ viewing | February 25th, 2010 ]
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