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The Final Stand

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[22 Feb 2010|05:46pm]
[ mood | depressed ]

Who: Angel (Anyone)
Where: Saturday, 'Cat and the Fiddle' and W&H
When: Angels post is somewhere inbetween 9pm-2am
What: Drink, drank, drunk.
Status: Complete.
Rating: PG-13 (little violence)
Notes: Thread starts just before sunrise.
Raul starts it off by dumping Giles body in front of the firm at about 6am. Everyone is encouraged to join.

I'm Just Itching for a Fight. )

So You're Tired and You're Beat and You Worked All Week [22 Feb 2010|10:14pm]
Who: Buffy, Eliot, Lindsey
Where: Buffy's apartment
When: Noon Saturday
What: Buffy is pissed, Lindsey is Lindsey, and Eliot just wants to make lunch.
Status: Done
Rating: PG-13

And You Need Some Place You Can Let It Go )

[ viewing | February 22nd, 2010 ]
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