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The Final Stand

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[29 Jan 2010|02:54am]
Who: Jace and Julian
Where: Wolfram & Hart Lobby
When: Wednesday, January 20th, 6:30pm
What: Slayer meets Watcher
Status: Incomplete
Rating: PG-13 Possible Profanity

fire bad, tree pretty )

[29 Jan 2010|04:23am]
Who: Buffy and Angel
Where: His majesty's office.
When: Wednesday, 1-20, 11:00am
What: Talking about the Lindsey mission.
Status: Incomplete
Rating: PG-13


The Brothers Grim [29 Jan 2010|09:44pm]
Who: Eliot and Lindsey
Where: Wolfram and Hart Medical Floor, Observation Room 2
When: 9:00 PM, Tuesday January 19th
What: Eliot and Lindsey finally get a chance to talk.
Status: Things are happening
Rating: PG-13

No one knows what it's like to be hated, to be fated... )

Coffee Talk [29 Jan 2010|10:00pm]
Who: Parker, Willow, Buffy
Where: Kiskadee's (coffee shop)
When:Wednesday January 20th 1PM
What: The girls gather to discuss the amulet
Status: Incomplete

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[ viewing | January 29th, 2010 ]
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