March 24th, 2016

[info]fiftyfourmods in [info]fiftyfourooc

Activity Check

A C T I V I T Y   C H E C K
You have until Thursday, March 31 to meet the activity requirements for this month.

For each character, please link each piece of activity in a comment to this entry, with your name in the subject line. If your character has exceeded the minimum requirements, it is up to you if you want to link all of the activity, or just the 3 pieces needed to pass.

If you have any questions about activity, please comment to this entry and ask, or grab a mod through email or AIM!

Just as a reminder, here are the activity requirements as per the rules.

  • 3 pieces of activity are required per month - any combination of journal entry (entirely private entries do not count), thread/log, newspaper article, comment strings (10+ comments per journal entry).
  • Responding to an open thread is equal to two activity points.
  • For characters who join the game during the month, the activity requirements are as follows:

    If you joined during the...
    1st - 10th of the month - 3 pieces
    11th - 20th of the month - 2 pieces
    21st - 30/31st - 1 piece

    Note: If you have yet to meet activity this month with one or more character, please do not post your activity for them yet.

    It's far too easy to post here saying you'll update the rest later and then forget. The best thing to do is just wait.

  • [info]dukeofweird in [info]fiftyfourooc

    Reporter Wanted!

    Hey everyone!

    Okay so Kirley and Melinda have decided to do an exclusive interview with Witch Weekly to set the record straight on their relationship.

    Meesh and I have decided that the way we want to do this is in a Q&A style through gdocs, which will then be posted as a magazine article.

    But to do that, we need a reporter! If anyone is interested in playing our reporter, let me know! We'd like to get this done as soon as possible!