May 1st, 2008

[info]ciceqi in [info]fictunes

Songs: May 08's the first of May! And you know what that means! Er...well, okay, I was going to go looking for "outdoorsy" songs, *coff,* honest I was, but it's been an incredibly hectic past two weeks. So you'll just have to put up with the other theme idea that amused me instead.

So you want to write...het

Elbow - "An Audience With the Pope"
I'm so in love with this album right now. And with Elbow in general. I don't know...can I just call them caberet-style indie? Sort of like chamber pop's Casablanca-watching hip older cousin.

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Cinerama - "Cat Girl Tights"
These guys usually slay me dead with their kinky, twisted, vaguely trashy lyrics. This one, on the other hand, is almost kind of sweet.

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Crooked Fingers - "You Can Never Leave"
Alt country doesn't always sound anything like country, and I'm perfectly okay with that. I'm not a huge fan of twang, and sentimental lyrics make me dry-heave. Uh, not that I'm opinionated or anything, OH NO. Alt country as a genre ranges from darker, moodier and decidedly non-sentimental quasi-country to what you get when an indie band's tour bus breaks down somewhere outside Nashville and they're forced to hitchhike to their next gig...and mug a few cowboys for their instruments while they're at it. Crooked Fingers weighs in more towards option number one.

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So you want to write...yaoi

Kaiser Chiefs - "My Kind of Guy"
Man, these were hard to narrow down. Anyway, pretty standard rock, here, but I thought the premise might be fun.

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Final Fantasy - "Please Please Please"
No, I didn't pick them for their name. No, really. Okay, so I started listening to them because of their name...but they're good! Honest! *sheepish*

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The Magnetic Fields - "When My Boy Walks Down the Street"
Because you can't very well have a set of slashy songs without this one. Seriously. It's like a law or something.

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So you want to write...yuri

The Snow Fairies - "The Happy Song (Saint Anthony)"
Wah! So cute! Insanely cute, in fact, sort of tweeish pop that breaks into 50's-styling goodness. Yuss.

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Suzanne Vega - "Stockings"
If the only things you ever heard of Suzanne Vega's was "Tom's Diner" and "Luka," you're seriously missing out.

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Hem - "Lazy Eye"
Gorgeous alt country/folk band with a truly fantastic female vocalist. This one almost has a lullaby feel to it, Hem at its slowest and sleepiest best.

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So you want to write...but you haven't decided which

Bill Callahan - "A Man Needs a Woman or a Man To Be a Man"
This would be the guy behind Smog, releasing under his own name for once. Not as minimalistic as most of Smog's discography, the album this one's off of sounds more like A River Ain't Too Much To Love. And this song sort of cracks me up.

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Of Montreal - "When a Man is in Love With a Man"
But not as much as this song cracks me up. Goddamn, you crazy E6 bands. Just...yeah.

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Or maybe you just want to write PORN

Nick Chapman - "Take Me Now!"
Off one of the Comfort Stand releases, Wakka Chikka Wakka Chikka, it's porn groove at its...wakkaist. Heh.

Hope you find something you like!

February 2011



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