March 31st, 2008

[info]ciceqi in [info]fictunes

Songs: April 08

Gah. First of all, I just want to say that I'm really, really sorry that overtime and school have been kicking my butt to the point that I can't even support my own challenge. *shame* Er, I've got a week and a half off from school coming up? (And a horrible cold today...shh, I'm playing hooky.) Anyway, er, being tired made me pick songs about waiting, and maybe changes for the darker, and they're all sort of wistful and...yeah. Er. You've got the suggestion song to cheer you up? *sheepish*

On - "Shifting Skin"
Okay, yeah, I listened to this at random because I liked the title. *grins* It's just your average rock, and I'm honestly too tired to think of who it reminds me of...oh, but a quality moment with Google tells me this is a project by someone from Failure. ....still don't think that's who I'm thinking of, though. *mutters*

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Youth Group - "On a String"
I loooooove Youth Group. They're insanely catchy pop, and while maybe a third of their songs are too poppy/similar for me, one third of their songs will also leave me humming the refrain for hours. This chorus is so totally one of the latter types.

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Sufjan Stevens - "I Can't Even Lift My Head"
So okay, Sufjan Stevens can be a bit hit or miss at times, but his slow ballads? Will destroy you. In the best way possible. (This isn't actually the one I wanted to post, because there is actually a song even more beautiful than this, hard as it may be to imagine, but the lyrics to that one are just...difficult. Seriously. I've been trying to come up with something to write to it for a different challenge for nearly a year. But this one! Hopefully more workable. *crosses fingers*)

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From the Department of Soundtrackage: So Charming It Needs A Permit
Belle and Sebastian - "Fiction"
It's, y'know, Belle and Sebastian. Who are practically synonymous with "charming" in the first place, but this is so delicate and gorgeous and sweet, I just want to fling myself from a tall building. Or something like that. Dear god, they break me.


From the Suggestion Box
Straylight Run - "Existentialism on Prom Night"
Indie rock band with a name that kills me with its cyberpunk roots. *hearts* Like I said, it's way more upbeat than the rest of what I'm posting this time around, but diversity is good!

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Anyway, good luck, and hopefully you find something that inspires you!

February 2011



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