February 28th, 2008

[info]ciceqi in [info]fictunes

Songs: March 08

Man, it's so hard to find songs that will work for multiple fandoms, multiple pairings, multiple gender combinations, and still be interesting/sound good...whew! I may have to cheat and do a fannish-specific month sometime soon just to give myself a break! (Feel free to give suggestions on that, or a 'yea' or 'nay' for that matter; I'm pretty easy overall.) At any rate, here you see what will become the typical line-up, I think: three songs-with-lyrics chosen by yours truly, one instrumental track, and one that's a suggestion from you guys! Here's hoping you'll hear something you like!

Andrew Bird - "Opposite Day"
I have this utter love of Andrew Bird because he's talented, versatile, and has deeply fascinating lyrics. *hearts* If you like Beck's more singer-songwriter oriented stuff, you'll probably like Andrew Bird's mainstream CDs. If you're a big fan of the eclectic, you'll like all his albums, which have influences ranging from jazz to folk to some sort of demented sock-hop on acid. And with fabulous lyrics no matter what style the band is playing in! Andrew Bird is love. (And I suggest starting with The Mysterious Production of Eggs. *sparkles*)

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Art in Manila - "I Thought I Was Free"
To be honest, I haven't listened to Art in Manila often enough for them to have really stuck in my mind, so I can't give you an overview of the band (in my oh-so-unbiased opinion *coff*). What this is: Pretty girlpop of the Aimee Mann/Heather Nova school of upbeat brave-facery. Not bubblegum pop; the rich, a bit too slow for rock sort.

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Vex Red - "Bully Me"
I'm honestly not sure how mainstream these guys were; I think I first came across them while randomly searching for music with "red" in the title/band name/album name. (...what?) Even if they aren't, they sound like they ought to be a radioband, but I'll forgive them for it because they're very good at what they do, which is that sort of slow, crooned, understated rock that suddenly swells into forceful passages that fade back only to do it again. Kind of like when the Deftones decide to lull you into a false sense of security before making the top of your head fly off. This one's overall more hypnotic than the rest of the album it comes from, but it has its moments, and the lyrics sounded like fun. *grins*

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Mood Rings: Blue!
Jack Rose - "Levee"
OMG, slide blues guitar. Just. Yeah. Done by a damned fine guitarist, at that!


From the Suggestion Box
The Scene Aesthetic - "Yellow Birds & Coal Mines"
Very Dashboard Confessional, though the singer is more Lyndsay Diaries. Uh, that's pretty much all I know about this band. *grins* If you like emo, you'll like this.

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Good luck! (You can start posting early if you'd like; I just wanted to give you a day in advance to listen so you'd have all of March to write/post in.)

February 2011



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