April 14th, 2008

[info]red_day_dawning in [info]fiction_queries

selecting love poems for love letters

A male character is writing love letters to another male, and is including love poems in the letters. So far only W.B.Yeat's poetry has been used, but I'd like to include more poets/poems. The poems need not not be homo-erotic or even especially erotic in content - just well-written love poetry without too many gender-specific terms.

The setting in in the UK in the late '80s.

I've tried googling "love poetry/poems" and "erotic poetry/poems" and am getting nowhere with these broad search terms.

Any suggestions on poets or poems (preferably well-known and writing in English), appropriate search terms or useful web-sites?

NB. I feel brain-dead - I ought to know this one - but my brain has gone to visit someone else for a while, or is at an alternate universe or something!

Also - have looked at some John Donne and Thomas Wyatt poems but rejected because of gender-terms ie. use of "she".

ETA: Thanks all - I've found a selection of poems, from Rilke, Neruda, Whitman, Elizabeth Barret Browning and others.