Fickle Freckle fecked a fic of frantic fellows - July 16th, 2007
try saying that ten times fast

freckles42 posting in Freckles42's fic and art home on IJ
User: [info]ficklefreckle (posted by [info]freckles42)
Date: 2007-07-16 10:18
Subject: Fanfic: Dubious Hackery
Security: Public
Mood:busy busy
Tags:challenges, fanfic, gen, potterverse

Title: Harry Potter and the Dubious Hackery, chapter 35: The End of the Franchise (title by [info]nimori)
Length: ~2200 words
Characters: loads. Harry, Ginny, Hermione Voldemort, Neville, Bellatrix, Snape, and so on.
Summary: It's the end of the road for Harry and Voldemort - HOW WILL IT END?
Disclaimer: None of the characters herein belong to me, all are JKR's, who is nice enough to let us play in her sandbox.
Notes: Written for a cracktastic challeng months ago, but now it's under flock on her journal, so I figured it was time to repost it here. It works as a standalone, too, which is why I feel fine tossing it up here. In any case, it's a little cracky but sometimes I wish this is how it would end. And I swear, if there are any "spoilers" in here, it's unintentional, since I wrote this back in March. ♥ Enjoy!

Harry licked his cracked lips, holding his broken arm close to his body in a vain attempt to protect it. )

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January 2008